- There was once a rift between them. 他们之间一度有过裂痕。
- a rift Between siBlings. 姐妹间的裂痕
- There are fears of a rift between Europe and United States. 人们对欧洲和美国之间存在的分歧表示担忧。
- Juventus sporting director Alessio Secco has dismissed rumours of a rift between himself and Coach Didier Deschamps. 尤文图斯体育主管阿莱西奥·塞科已经澄清了他本人和主帅迪迪埃·德尚之间不和的谣言。
- Thierry Henry has reacted furiously to reports of a rift between himself and Arsenal and France team-mate Robert Pires. 亨利严厉驳斥了关于他与队友皮雷发生争吵的传闻。
- The construction of the plant was stalled by the protests and has since created a rift between the two governments. 这家工厂的建设曾因为抗议而搁置,而且从那之后就给两国政府之间制造了一条裂缝。
- She also did little to quash mounting rumours of a rift between the group after she skipped Melanie Chisholm's solo show in New York earlier this week. 维多利亚缺席了本周初梅勒妮?齐斯赫尔姆的纽约个人演唱会,此后,有关她与合唱团不和的传闻愈演愈烈,贝嫂则对此置之不理。
- His ambition causes a rift between them, and their relationship captures a basic tension within African-American popular culture. 他的野心造成的裂痕,他们的关系,掌握了基本的紧张非洲-美国流行文化。
- The meeting follows speculation - denied by McLaren boss Ron Dennis two weeks ago - of a rift between the British team's management and the Hamilton camp. 两人会面之前,有传闻称汗密尔顿阵营与英国车队的管理人士有一些分歧,然而两周前罗恩丹尼斯否认了该传言。
- Meanwhile, the media in Italy is speculating about a rift between the coach and president, due to the president's discontent with regards to Rossi's work. 与此同时,在意大利的媒体推测由于主席对罗西的工作不满,所以在主教练和主席之间出现了裂痕。
- A rift opened between Lloyd George and Poincare. 劳合·乔治与彭加勒的分歧公开了。
- a rift between the people and their leadership 人民和领导层的不和
- It is love that never be fufilled between siblings. 这种爱仅仅用兄妹情来表达是不够的。
- The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds. 太阳从云层间隙中冒出来。
- There was a rift within the loot, as Albert Tennyson says. 正如艾伯特·丁尼生所说的,投机倒把里出现了裂罅。
- Then why, O Blissful One, dost Thou cause a rift in it? 那么有福的一位,你为什么要引发不和呢?
- Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed. 弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。
- She was never able to heal the rift between herself and her father. 她一直未能填平和她父亲之间的鸿沟。
- He was anxious to mend the rift between the two men. 他急于弥合这两个人之间的裂痕。
- The rift between them has not yet been completely healed. 他们之间的裂痕还没有消除。