- Have the animal, you can get it for a resounding name for the animal that you can provide a base for the addition of properties. 拥有了神兽之后,您可以为它取一个响亮的名字,神兽可以为您的基地提供各项属性的加成。
- The film was a resounding success. 那部影片是驰名的成功之作。
- A resounding call, as that of the elephant. 喇叭似的,类似大象发出的回声
- The proposal receive a resounding "no" vote. 该建议获得一个响亮的“反对”票。
- The evening was a resounding success. 晚会办得非常圆满。
- For years, the answer has been a resounding NO. 多年来,答案已经绝对没有。
- He hit the water with a resounding slap. 他啪的一声拍了一下水。
- The answer is a resounding "yes". 答案是一个响当当的“是”。
- The proposal receive a resounding"no" vote. 该建议获得一个响亮的“反对”票。
- Solitude has become a resounding only notes. 孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。
- She scored a resounding triumph over her rival. 她击败对手大获全胜.
- This is the movie with a resounding succuss. 这就是那部轰动一时的电影。
- The only thing engraved in their hearts is this gentle yet resounding name. 唯一镌刻在心的,是那一个温柔却响亮的名字。
- His conclusion was a resounding yes. 他的结论给出了响亮的回答:“能!
- I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 我就仅是个乱鸣的锣、狂响的钹。
- The Codex Cleanup Week was a resounding success. Codex清除周是一个非常大的成功。
- Kirael: The answer is a resounding yes. 答案是一个响亮的是。
- I think the answer is a resounding no. 我认为答案是一个响亮的,没有。
- There I was penetrated by a resounding voice. 一个响亮的声音从我躯体穿过;
- a resounding name 一个响亮的名字