- The angle drawn at the point of incidence (intersection of) a reflected ray and the normal line perpendicular to the reflecting surface. 中义光线在物体表面的投射点上反射出来的光线与物体表面垂直法线所夹的角度。
- Wear a reflective vest or a safety triangle. 穿着反光背心或有反光标示的衣服。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- Stargazer Lily on a reflective table. 凝望星辰者图片 Stargazer 4.
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- The girl is a reflection of her mother. 那女孩长得和她母亲一模一样。
- Reasonable reflective surface, soft light, glareproof, uniform brightness. 合理的反光曲面,光线柔和,无眩光,光亮度均匀。
- This is a reflection upon your honor. 这对你的名誉是一个损害。
- A reflected wave received by a radio or radar. 反射波收音机或雷达接收到的反射波
- a reflective surface. 反射面
- His dark looks are a reflection of his unhappiness. 他阴郁的神情是内心苦恼的反映。
- a radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface. 为了指明反射面的位置而显示出来的雷达反射波。
- Soul Mountain is a novel of a pilgrimage made by the protagonist to himself and a journey along the reflective surface that divides fiction from life, imagination from memory. 《灵山》是一部朝圣小说,主人公自己走上朝圣之地,也是一次沿着区分艺术虚构和生活、幻想和记忆的投摄面的旅行。
- Observations from Earth and the Hubble Space Telescope show that Pluto has a highly reflective surface with distinct markings that indicate the presence of expansive polar caps. 从地球与哈伯太空望远镜可以看到冥王星表面的反射性很强,还有很显著的斑纹,显示有广阔的极冠。
- This is a reflection of their frailty. 这是他们虚弱的反映。
- This report is a reflection on your honour. 这个报道对你的名誉是一种损害。
- The photograph also contains a large reflective surface (the shop window), but by contrast with Manet's scene of animated bustle, Parr's window is a bleak, empty plane. 照片也包括了一个大反光面(商店的窗口),不过与莫奈画中的活泼热闹场景比较,帕尔的窗户是一个冰冷,空虚的平面。
- This is only a reflection of their frailty. 这只是他们虚弱的反映。
- There exists a shape-surface deviation in reflective surface of deployable antenna because it is formed by covering metal-wire-net film on deployable structure. 可展开天线的反射面是通过在可展开背架结构上铺覆金属丝网格薄膜形成的;所以存在一个形面偏差.
- He is simply a reflection of his father. 他极象他的父亲。