- It is a rare form of cancer which most often starts in the bone of pelvis or legs during teenage years. 它是一种非常罕见的癌症,大多数在青少年中发病,经常生长在盆骨和大腿骨中。
- Only a year ago, Amber Hardin was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that only 18 percent of children survive. 仅仅一年前,安波哈丁被诊断出患有一种罕见的癌症,儿童的存活率只有18%25。
- Although DES was routinely given to prevent miscarriage, it now is known to cause a rare form of cancer in some daughters of women who took the drug. 虽然常把乙烯雌酚用于防止流产,但现在已发现这种药物能使服用此药的母亲产出的婴儿患上某种罕见的癌症。
- Mr Duff was suffering from colon and liver cancer while his wife had been suffering from a rare form of cancer known as Gist since 1992. 达夫先生患有结肠癌和肝癌时,她的妻子已经在1992年就患上一种罕见的叫金斯特的癌症。
- This resulted in a rare form of diabetes mellitus. 这就造成一种较为罕见的糖尿
- It is a rare form of cancer. 它是一种罕见的癌症.
- Although DES was routinely given to prevent miscarriage, it now is known to cause a rare form of cancer in some daughters of women who took the drug 虽然常把乙烯雌酚用于防止流产,但现在已发现这种药物能使服用此药的母亲产出的婴儿患上某种罕见的癌症。
- a rare form of cancer 一种罕见的癌症类型
- Struma ovarii is a rare form of mature teratoma of the ovary . 摘要甲状腺性卵巢畸胎瘤为罕见的成熟性卵巢畸胎瘤。
- Paget's Disease This is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on the nipple and aureola. 帕基特病症:这是一种罕见的乳癌病型,因为癌细胞是长在乳房外部的乳头或乳晕。
- Nancy died a painful death on 30th June 1973 suffering from a rare form of Hodgkins Disease, a cancer of the lymph cells. 南希1973年1月30日死于一种极为罕见的帕金斯氏病,这种病属于一种淋巴细胞癌。
- The rhythmic action of tooth brushing seems to affect people who hae a rare form of epilepsy associated with a small brain lesion. 刷牙的节律性动作可能影响某种罕见类型的癫痫患者,他们的疾病与大脑的微小损伤有关。
- Casseus suffers from a rare form of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, a nonhereditary, genetic disease that causes bone to become swollen and jelly-like. 据美联社12月17日报道,美国迈阿密杰克逊纪念医疗中心的医生们表示,12月14日进行的那次长达16个多小时的手术很成功。
- St. Jude uses computer-generated images of different types of same enzyme to unlock mysteries of antibiotic resistance and a rare form of brain degeneration. Jude儿童医院的研究者利用电脑生成同一种酶的不同类型图像,并利用这些图像来解开抗生素耐药和一种罕见的大脑退化症之谜。
- Name the poet who, even though he has a rare form of muscular dystrophy, has created thousands of poems, dozens of essays and short stories, and many illustrations. 说出这个诗人的名字是谁,尽管他遭受罕见的身体营养失调,但他已经创作出数千首诗,数十篇散文和小说并附有许多的插图。
- Objective: An ovarian ectopic pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy after either natural conception or in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF/ET). 摘要目的:卵巢子宫外孕不论是自然受孕也好或是在施行试管婴儿术后也罢,其发生率都很低。
- Three subjects with a rare form of visual impairment found their sight still better a year after gene therapy, and their immune systems seemed happy with the treatment, too. 有三位罕见形式的视力受损患者经过一年基因治疗以后,他们的视力变得更好了,而且他们的免疫系统似乎也不受任何影响。
- The diagnosis was a form of cancer called non Hodgkin's lymphoma. 詹姆斯被诊断患癌症,叫做非何杰金淋巴瘤。
- A new form of cancer is running rife throughout the world. 一种新型癌症正在全世界流行。
- Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans (TMEP) is a rare form of cutaneous mastocytosis characterized by erythematous macules consisting of fine telangiectasia with little tendency to urticate or cause constitutional symptoms. 摘要持久性斑状微血管扩张症是皮肤肥大细胞增生症的一种少见的形式,以细致的微血管扩张所构成的红斑为特徵。