- bands of marauding Indians; predatory warfare; a raiding party. 成群进行抢劫的印第安人;掠夺战争;抢劫团伙。
- The hungry children made a raid on the pantry. 饥饿的孩子把食品柜洗劫一空。
- bands of marauding Indians; predatory warfare; a raiding party 成群进行抢劫的印第安人;掠夺战争;抢劫团伙
- a raiding party(= a group of soldiers, etc. that attack a place) 突袭小分队
- The police makes a raid on the house look for drug. 警方突然搜查这幢房子,寻找毒品。
- There was a raid on a bank by armed mobs yesterday. 昨天发生了一起武装暴徒抢劫银行的事件。
- They had made a raid in Dorchester. 他们到陶契斯特去闹过事。
- To conduct a raid or participate in one. 进行奇袭采取或参与奇袭
- She was a handy person to have along on a raid. 带着她去抓差办案,倒也的确非常方便。
- And if you sent a raid out, a raid on me. 如果您发送了一次突袭,突击搜查了我。
- Our lives were still a raid on our own good luck. 生活却突然袭击我们的好运。
- a raiding party. 突袭队
- So far, the drow raiding party had covered several miles, but had met nothing that would cause them trouble. 到目前为止,卓尔精灵突袭小队已经前进了好几英里,但却没碰到任何给他们带来麻烦的东西。
- An aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or an invasion. 侵犯具有侵略性地进入外国领土; 袭击或侵略
- The Toxic Spore Bats in the Lady Vashj encounter will now properly despawn if the raid party wipes. * 玩家在沃根的变形效果下使用范围攻击现在将显示动画。
- Several area of effect (AOE) heal spells have been improved: Prayer of Healing can be cast on any groups in your raid party. AOE型治疗法术将被改善:治疗导言可以作用到团队内的其他小队。
- His patrols halted the raiding parties: hunger assailed the Danish army. 他的巡逻队阻抑了入侵部队, 饥饿威胁着丹麦军队。
- Recruitment is now open for a raiding of the leet shadow dps type. 现在变成招收暗影输出牧师了!
- The police made a raid on the house looking for drugs. 警方突然搜查这幢房子,寻找毒品。
- She died in a shootout with police during a raid on her home. 她是在与去她家搜捕的警察交火中死亡的。