- There was a quarrel over the ownership of the land. 对那块土地的所有权有争执。
- The two boys had a quarrel over a bicycle the other day. 几天前这两个男孩为一辆自行车争吵了起来。
- a quarrel over politics 政治上的争端
- Sometimes they would quarrel over a political issue. 有时他们会为一个政治问题争吵。
- I got involved in a quarrel about the price. 我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。
- He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us. 他似乎存心要找我们吵架。
- It's silly to quarrel over trifles. 为鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵真不值得。
- His comment sparked off a quarrel between them. 他提的意见引起了他们之间的争吵。
- He's always at odds with his father over politics. 在政治上他总和父亲意见不一。
- A quarrel broke out between them. 他们间爆发了一场争吵。
- They got into a quarrel, whereupon she left him. 他们吵了一架,之后她就离开了他。
- The two partners split after a quarrel. 这两个合伙人吵了一架之后分道扬镳了。
- Inevitably, a quarrel followed between the two sides. 双方随後不可避免地争吵起来。
- I will try to smooth their quarrel over. 我将设法平息他们的争吵。
- He and his brother always argued over politics. 他和他弟弟总是为政治而争论。
- She could see that his blood was up, so she avoided a quarrel. 她看得出他怒火中烧,所以避免和他争吵。
- He collided with me over politics. 在政见方面他与我强烈抵触。
- A quarrel dissevered the young couple. 一场争吵使一对年轻夫妇分离了。
- They were usually at odds over politics. 他们通常政见不一。
- Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel. 任何误解都可能酿成一场争吵。