- The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. 当局对此事秘而不宣,以免引起公众抗议。
- The new tax provoked a public outcry. 新税项引起了公众的强烈抗议。
- There was a public outcry when the scandal broke. 丑闻传开後引起了公愤。
- There was a public outcry [clamour]. 舆论哗然。
- There was a public outcry about selling arms to rebels. 公众对向叛军出售武器发出强烈的抗议。
- There is a public outcry about selling arms to rebels. 公众对向叛军出售武器发出强烈的抗议。
- There is a public outcry about the building of a new airport. 公众强烈反对修建新机场。
- There was a public outcry about the building of a new airport. 公众强烈反对修建新机场。
- There was a public outcry when the Mavericks lost point guard Steve Nash to the Phoenix Suns. 当控卫纳什离开小牛投奔太阳的时候,公众一片哗然。
- The resignations followed a public outcry about expenses claims by politicians of all parties.Naomi Grimley reports. 在这些辞职声明之前,英国民众强烈抗议各政党的政要们索取巨额的开支报销。
- During the reign of the Stuarts in England, the picking of wild daffodils to be sold at court, caused a public outcry. 在斯图亚特王朝统治时期的英国,采摘野生黄水仙在宫庭出售的行为,引起了公众的强烈抗议。
- It was agreed that in momentous affairs, in executions that were necessary but might cause too much of a public outcry, the execution must be approved by this council. 大家同意:凡重大问题、凡必要的但可能引起群众强烈抗议的处决,执行时必须经过这个协商会的批准。
- A number of incidents in recent years have provoked a public outcry against media sensationalism and invasion of privacy. 近年几宗事故中,传媒耸人听闻的报导手法和侵犯私隐,激起公众强烈抗议。
- But after a local newspaper reported that he died while drinking on the job, a public outcry ensued and the award was rescinded. 但是随后一家当地报纸报道了他是因为喝酒而死,公众反对声随后而来,奖章不得不被撤销。
- She was released after spending only three days behind bars last week, sparking a public outcry and prompting Los Angeles judge Michael Sauer to order her back to jail. 希尔顿上周在监狱呆了三天后被释放,引起公众的强烈抗议,这迫使洛杉矶的迈克尔·萨奥尔法官将其召回监狱。
- A union campaigner who was pepper-sprayed during a protest is suing police, amid a public outcry against police who pepper-sprayed another man as he lay handcuffed on the ground. 一名在示威游行中被警察喷击的工会运动组织者,将警察告上法庭。与此同时,警察在另外一桩类似事件中,对一个被推搡倒地,双手被手铐反铐在背后的男士,用警用胡椒喷雾剂大喷特喷。舆论哗然。
- In addition, Lanzhou, Beijing, a public outcry, the multi-friend rescue, law enforcement police Department announced in June was "very peaceful people, an acquittal. 加之兰州、北京舆论哗然,朋友多方营救,军警执法处遂于6月宣布“人甚和平,无罪释放”。
- There was a public outcry. 舆论哄然。
- Mr.Hirano and other former temporary workers at Canon were allowed to stay in their apartments for a few extra months after a public outcry reached all the way to the prime minister. 在一场直达首相的公开呼吁后,平野和其他人被允许多在宿舍里呆几个月。
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。