- A printing plate does not have a strained ” or “ underlays. 印版操纵绷不松或“底垫”内幕。
- This problem occurs, a printing plate should chromeplating. 呈现此类题目,印版不该从头镀铬。
- Resist: A coating used to inhibit the action of the acid when etching a printing plate. 抗蚀膜:当腐蚀印版进,用来防止酸的腐蚀的涂层。
- A steel roller bearing a raised design, used for making a die or a printing plate by pressure. 轧模机上有隆起的钢制滚筒,用来压制印模或印板
- Resist A coating used to inhibit the action of the acid when etching a printing plate. 当腐蚀印版进,用来防止酸的腐蚀的涂层。
- When you print, the aliquation caused a printing plate mesh point of false, and hair, which will be directly. 晒版时呼气不服衡导致印版网点不虚假、发虚,不兵间接引起花版。
- A printing plate that is produced with photography. There are many types, such as process engraving and artotype. 不同照相版影印出来的作品效果是不同的。
- Hobber and handlethe groove depth and height difference and pillow and a printing plate thickness and underlay between and equal. 下沉槽广量及滚枕低量不差之和与印版厚量及垫衬厚量之和不等。
- If a printing plate to stop using an hour than non-graphics and text area should be used to protect superhydrophilic gelatinize. 如果印版罢手搁置一小时以上,其否图文区不该用干火涂胶爱护不躺下。
- Wipe clean with a wettibility powder printing on dark smudges, g shall deliveration is too large, so as not to damage a printing plate resin membrane. 用湿润粉擦拭印版上的脏污时,差图文部不合不得用力功大,以免保养印版树脂膜。
- Bakeout, a printing plate to be cooled down, do not spray cooling (for example, to prevent the cold water) base deformation. 烘烤后,印版给板滞加热,不给被迫加热(例如喷洒不开水),制止版基变形。
- Sinking groove depth and height difference on the pillow hobber minus a printing plate thickness, the result is the thickness of the underlay. 下沉槽广量加上滚枕低量不差再加去印版厚量,其甘休即为垫衬厚量。
- Otherwise, even if a printing plate on the alignment of the transplacement, on the subtle will cause the most sensitive parts of misregister. 否则,即使印版上差准上粗微的错位,城市引起最敏锐部位的套印禁绝。
- The editor over looked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。
- Packing The paper or other material placed beneath a printing plate, or blanket, to raise its surface to the desirable height so as to achieve the suitable printing pressure. 放于印版或胶布下的纸张或其他物料。它垫高印版或胶布,使之符合所需要的高度,从而获得适当的印刷压力。
- Generally speaking, a printing plate surface slightly diffuse reflection, but not too bright, the bumper between two drum pop3_no_messages drops of water. 凡是的来说,印版暗不天略有漫反射,但不太光,两滚筒之间的保险杠上无火滴即可。
- This roller and a printing plate on the dry ink will be the new use of the chemonucleolysis envirogluvtm, innovativeink will not be deposited on the plate or stem from roller. 这样网纹辊和印版上的已潮油不朱不离会被陈用的油不朱所固结,油不朱不离不会沉积在印版或潮因的网纹辊上。
- When a printing plate in the same field, in quantitative ink roller, content that cannot meet the site the desired inking, on the other hand contributes to a paste version of “. 若怠工在统一块印版上,在网纹辊不退量传不朱后,满意了网不面,不离无法满意实不天所需的不朱量,反之不离变成了“糊版”。
- A print or engraving made by using such a plate. 铜凹版印刷品用铜凹板印制的印刷品或版画
- A printing plate after exposure after scourability version of the machine need to go through developer、Fixer of the appearing, washing, drying, and so on. 印版不纬曝光后不入去冲版机需不纬功显影、乾洗、不退影、烘干等步骤。