- She feel comfortlessness for his presumptuous act. 她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。
- a presumptuous act 唐突的行动
- I have a presumptuous request that I wonder if you can give consent to. 4002我有一个不情之请,不知您能否答应?
- Design of adornment of some setting wall is too messy, often a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role. 有些背景墙装饰设计过于散乱,往往喧宾夺主。
- We recognize that, in many instances, to suppress different customs in the name of morality is an expression of an outworn puritanism or a presumptuous egotism. 我们发现,在许多情况下以道德的名义压抑不同的行为习惯是陈腐的清教主义或傲慢的自我主义的表现。
- "A presumptuous pup, I'm afraid." Victor Henry was trying to read the document, which was explosive, while chatting with Roosevelt. “恐怕是个莽撞的小家伙,”维克多?亨利一边和罗斯福聊天,一边想看看这个带爆炸性的文件。
- "A presumptuous pup, I'm afraid." Victor Henry was trying to read the document , which was explosive, while chatting with Roosevelt. “恐怕是个莽撞的小家伙,”维克多?亨利一边和罗斯福聊天,一边想看看这个带爆炸性的文件。
- It was my good fortune that a presumptuous fellow diner, intrigued by the intensity of our conversation, wanted to know my reasons. 幸运的是,我跟我妈激烈的交锋激起了一个在旁边吃饭的人的兴趣,他想知道我的理由。
- Though it’s so useful and helpful, if you don’t use it in reason, it’ll lead to the result of “ A presumptuous guest usurps the host’s role”. 然而,如不注重其合理应用,必将导致喧宾夺主,过犹不及的后果。本文探讨了合理使用计算机辅助教学于英语课堂教学中应注意的几个方面。
- Will tell as me, cannot a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role, I express a state with respect to the serious talk of tall severe comrade. 我理解,他这个讲话也是今天我们这次会议的一个主题。作为我来讲,不能喧宾夺主,我就高严同志的重要讲话表一个态。第一点,我们地方党委政府,完全支持和拥护国家电力公司党组对云南电力公司班子调整所作出的决定。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- A presumptuous nickname, whether applied directly to a person or one's profession, can thwart communication by its offensiveness as much as by its ambiguity. 专横的绰号,无论是用于一个人还是其职业,会因其攻击性和含糊不清而妨碍交流。
- Legislatures often act in a negatory manner. 立法机关常采取消极行动。
- Even prayer and Bible study cannot continue to protect against a presumptuous choice to watch alluring sinful scenes and listen to corrupting words and sounds. 对他们来说,任何宣扬自我否定或自我约束的生活方式的教义都是坏消息。
- Although these recreational activities were abounded greatly exhibit meeting content, but the criticism that also drew on a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role. 这些娱乐活动虽然极大地丰富了展会内容,但也招来了喧宾夺主的批评。
- This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为。
- He made a resolution never to repeat the act. 他决心不再采取那种行动。
- Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人过马路是一种善良的行为。
- It will not befit a priest to act uncharitably. 牧师不以慈悲为怀是不合适的。
- Corner processing, its modelling, color is collected, all should be subject to integral space pattern, unfavorable and beyond the mark emphasize, lest a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role. 墙角处理,其造型、色采、均应服从整体空间格局,不宜过分强调,以免喧宾夺主。