- They felt a pressing need to master culture. 他们感到迫切需要学文化。
- They had clearly hit upon a pressing need. 他们显然满足了一项迫切的需求。
- There is a pressing need to overcome these shortcomings. 迫切需要克服这些缺点。
- The overall technical transformation is not only a pressing need but a practical possibility. 全面技术改造,不仅是迫切需要,也有现实可能。
- There is a pressing need to soothe men who have lost their dear ones and may have been traumatized. 那些失去亲人并可能遭遇创伤的人迫切需要抚慰。
- If keep apart frost, colour makeup, cream to cannot see a pressing need, so fasten urgent, still have last a magic weapon! 如果隔离霜、彩妆、面霜都不能解燃眉之急,那么别急,还有最后一件法宝!
- If, however, having Perl 6 available faster is a pressing need for you, more developers helping out would always be a welcome way of bringing a release closer! 如果,无论如何,你很紧迫地需要Perl 6,那么更多开发者来提供帮助是尽快发布的可行之道。
- Because they are so expensive, and because there has not since the 1970s seemed to be a pressing need for "fusion" energy, the ICF facilities have sometimes been justified to Congress as having some National Defense function. 由于它们如此昂贵,由于自70年代以来似乎对“聚变”能源无此紧迫需求,因此人们有时对国会说ICF设施具有某些国防功能。
- Now, company of west lake division grows guide fund to assure for the enterprise, he applied for two years period the bank is fiducial interest rate borrows money, saw a pressing need. 现在,西湖区企业成长引导基金为企业担保,他申请到了两年期的银行基准利率贷款,解了燃眉之急。
- Following the building up of socialist market economy, China’s current SSDS is facing unprecedented challenges and seeing declining effectiveness, which has caused a pressing need for reforms. 随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,当代中国军人退役安置制度遇到了前所未有的挑战,出现了绩效不断下降的趋势,改革现行军人退役安置制度迫在眉睫。
- Most security applications are increasingly using public key cryptography.It leads to a pressing need for a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)to support the distribution of public keys. 大多数的安全应用现在都引入公钥密码算法,而公钥密码算法需要公钥基础设施PKI来支持公钥的分发。
- Flatten the dough with a press of the hand. 用手把生面团压平。
- Those shirts need a press(= with an iron). 这些衬衣需要熨一熨。
- Those trousers need a press, ie with a hot iron. 那条裤子该熨一熨.
- The company sent out or issue a press release about the launch of the new car. 公司寄出或发行了有关新小汽车投入市场的新闻稿。
- Is a pressing and long-term task. 是一个紧迫而又长期的任务。
- A pressing engagement with the Ablative Absolute. 夺格绝对句。
- The plan was dropped because of their own pressing need for funds. 由于他们自己也迫切需要资金,这项计划就放弃了。
- The company sent out a press release about the launch of the new car. 公司发出了即将投放这种新型汽车的新闻稿。
- The titles in a press's fall catalog. 出版社秋季出版计划中的书目