- A predatory attack; a raid. 抢劫,掠夺掠夺性攻击,抢劫,袭击
- A predatory attack;a raid. 抢劫,掠夺掠夺性攻击,抢劫,袭击
- a predatory attack 掠夺性的攻击
- A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization. 掠夺对竞争对手采取的掠夺式的行动,尤指目的在于吸引走竞争组织的人员或成员
- I am proud that I am a predatory animal and I honor my animal instincts. 我崇拜自我和我的生命,就像崇拜我就是唯一的神一样。
- B: Imagine me riding on the back of such a powerful beast, its sharp teeth bared in a predatory snarl. 想象一下吧,我骑在一只那么强大的野兽的背上,它那锋利的牙齿在掠食者的咆哮中显露无疑。
- The aims of both sides are imperialist, both are fighting for the domination of colonies and semi-colonies and for spheres of influence, and both are waging a predatory war. 因为,双方的目的都是帝国主义的目的,都是为了争夺对殖民地半殖民地和势力范围的统治权,都是掠夺性的战争。
- The stone marten is a predatory nocturnal mammal with feeding habits similar to those of domestic cats. 岩貂是一种夜间食肉哺乳动物,它的饮食习惯与家猫相似。
- Imagine me riding on the back of such a powerful beast, its sharp teeth bared in a predatory snarl. 想象一下吧,我骑在一只那么强大的野兽的背上,它那锋利的牙齿在掠食者的咆哮中显露无疑。
- Aside from Solskjaer, he will become the only United player who could be classified as a predatory taker of chances. 除了索尔斯克亚,他将成为曼联唯一的一个把握机会能力超强的射手。
- It runs a predatory trade policy by keeping its currency, the renminbi, at artificially low levels. 它实行一种掠夺性的贸易政策,将其货币人民币保持在人为操纵的低水平。
- It has the lines of a predatory feline with the skull and claws of a cruel bird of prey. 它具有肉食性猫科动物的特征,不过其头颅与爪子与猛禽相似。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- When the young leave their colony for adult life at sea, a predatory leopard seal lurks menacingly offshore. 深洞出击-佛罗里达州一山洞内,有四千万只大耳蝙蝠正等待空群而出。
- In one bay, a Robert Gober sculpture and a Lee Bontecou relief are united by an emphasis on orifices and craft and a predatory air. 一湾,一个罗伯特戈伯雕塑及李庞特寇救济是由美国一个侧重开口,工艺和空中捕食。
- The Velociraptor, Velociraptor mongoliensis, was a predatory dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period, approximately 75 million years ago. 古生物学家认为这是一种非常顽强的猎食其他动物的野兽,而且可能是成对或成群地外出追猎。
- The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. 偷袭珍珠港(对美军来说)是一场毁灭性的灾难。
- If my eyes were open when he came in on such a predatory trip, he at once came up to me with an honest face, and climbed on and caressed me. 如果它在试图偷东西时,我的眼睛是睁着的,它会立刻向我走来,一脸的无辜和诚实,然后爬到床上来抱着我。
- Arowana is a predatory fish, from juvenile to adult fish, must be fed animal feed to the fish feeding activities of the best. 龙鱼属肉食性鱼类,从幼鱼到成鱼,都必须投喂动物性饵料,以投喂活动的小鱼最佳。
- The aims of both sides are imperialist,both are fighting for the domination of colonies and semi-colonies and for spheres of influence,and both are waging a predatory war. 因为,双方的目的都是帝国主义的目的,都是为了争夺对殖民地半殖民地和势力范围的统治权,都是掠夺性的战争。