- a poorly adjusted teenager. 不适应环境的少年
- Had to put the kibosh on a poorly conceived plan. 不得不使一个构想不全面的计划无法实行
- A poorly maintained or disreputable place. 名声不好的一些娱乐场所。
- In electronics, undesirable low frequency currents interfering with a desired signal, and usually caused by a poorly screened alternating mains supply. 在电子学领域,一种不希望发生的低频电流,它干扰所要求的信号。通常这种现象是由于交流供电线路屏蔽不良引起的。
- A poorly balanced diet is a fundamental barrier to healthy growth. 第一层:偏食是儿童成长障碍中,最基本及最普遍的问题。
- But in between is a poorly studied cosmic mesoscale. 在这两者之间的中尺度?围,却一直乏人问津。
- But what happens if a poorly trained seeing-eye dog meets up with a cat? 但是,如果一条训练无素的导盲犬碰上一只猫会怎样呢?
- Indirect ophthalmoscopy of the right eye revealed diffuse retina edema with a poorly defined cherry red spot. 间接眼底镜发现右眼视网膜弥漫性水肿合并有一不明显的樱桃红斑点。
- Vibrations in the ground are a poorly understood but probably widespread means of communication between animals. 地面的振动虽不为人类所了解,但却可能是动物间最广泛的沟通方式。
- He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. 在照相前,他调整了快门。
- The first time i heard the band was on a poorly recorded demo tape given to me by a friend. 第一次接触到他们的音乐,是从一个朋友给我的一个相当粗糙的小样。
- If we have a poorly informed citizenry, what is the starting point for democracy? 如果我们的国民是讯息贫乏,民主的起步点在那里?
- In the rat and rabbit, neonates are born blind, naked and with a poorly developed thermoregulatory system. 大鼠和兔子的初生幼仔出生时是闭目无毛的,体温调节系统发育不足。
- Furthermore, a poorly dispersed system results inferior mechanical properties of the dry film. 而且,差的分散体系导致干膜的机械性能变差。
- A poorly designed disk subsystem can leave your organization vulnerable to hardware malfunctions. 设计欠佳的磁盘子系统可能会让您的组织容易遭遇硬件故障的困扰。
- A highly oriented filament and one that is not so oriented is similar to the difference between a combed cotton yarn and a poorly carded cotton yarn. 高取向度长丝与低取向度长丝的区别与精梳棉纱和不良的粗梳棉纱的区别类似。
- Abstract: Eosinophilic panniculitis is a poorly defined entity with variable clinical features. [摘 要] 嗜酸性脂膜炎是一种较难确诊的具有多种临床表现的疾病。
- Mr Parker admits that an engine blowing up and a poorly dimensioned cupholder are both classified as one fault. 帕克先生承认,引擎爆炸和杯托尺寸不对都被归于同一类故障。
- What speakers fear maximum is a poorly coordinated audience. People who can't sleep and applaud at the alike time. 讲演者最害怕的是观众肉体不协调,大部分人无所不能同时边睡觉边鼓掌。
- Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. 这位衣衫褴褛的女士,路易斯.;莱登,脸上挂着沮丧的表情走进一家杂货店。