- a plane in flyaway condition. 准备就绪的飞机
- Is there a plane in the picture? 图片上有飞机吗?
- My mother is scared to fly in a plane. 我母亲怕搭飞机。
- A plane is gone to order from France. 从法国去订购一架飞机。
- He took down the plane in a perfect landing. 他驾着飞机平稳地着陆。
- They planned to highjack a plane. 他们计划劫持一架飞机。
- The pilot took down the plane in a perfect landing. 飞行员架着飞机平稳着陆。
- A plane was droning in the distance. 飞机在远处嗡嗡地响。
- The white lines show two sets of parallel lines of a plane in calibration object. 白线表示定标块同一个平面上两个不同方向的平行线。
- A plane homed in one ship to a big harbour. 一只飞机将一艘轮船导航到一个大港口。
- The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens, set to go off when it arrived in New York. 恐怖分子很可能已经在雅典的一架飞机上安置了炸弹;并且将它设定为到达纽约后爆炸.
- Spanair chartered a plane in the Canary Islands to fly in relatives of people killed in the crash. 斯潘航空公司特许一架位于那利群岛的飞机来运送空难中遇难者的亲属。
- She met her death in a plane crash. 她在一次飞机失事中遇难。
- There have a real plane in the restaurant! 西餐馆里有一架真的飞机!
- A plane this size can't fly off such a short runway. 这样大的飞机无法从这么短的跑道上起飞。
- A plane fleeted over the top of the hill. 一架飞机掠过山顶。
- Also terrible. And a plane in one of those gets electrocuted, and your plane goes down like this. That would be very bad. Very bad, scary, scary. 也很可怕。如果其中的一架飞机遭遇电击,那么你的飞机就会像这样掉下来。那就太糟糕了。太糟糕了,太可怕了,太可怕了。
- I can hear a plane flying overhead. 我听到一架飞机正从上空飞过。
- A "human bomb" could attempt to hijack a plane in India, intelligence agencies have warned, prompting security forces to seek state-of-the-art body scanners, an official sa. 印度官员日前表示,由于情报部门警告“人体炸弹”可能将在印度劫持一架飞机,安全部队要求在国内机场安装尖端的人体扫描设备。
- A plane figure with four sides and four angles. 四边形有四个边和四个角的平面图形