- Why not write his name on a piece of board? 为什么不把他的名字写在一块牌子上?
- Li Hua: Why not write his name on a piece of board? 李华:为什么不把他的名字写在一块牌子上?
- Nail a piece of board on the inside of you wardrobe door. Screw in some hooks-small ones for belts, larger ones for handbag-and there you are! Problem neatly solved. 在你衣柜门背面钉块木板,拧上一些钩子-小的挂带子,大的挂提包-这就行了!问题就干净利落地解决了。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- Would you please give me a piece of paper? 能给我一张纸吗?
- We made a table out of a big piece of board. 我们用一块大木板制成了一张桌子。
- She tore off a piece of music and then went out. 她匆匆演奏了一支曲子就走出去了。
- An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery. 外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉
- Please pass me a piece of paper handkerchief. 请递给我一张纸巾。
- Nail a piece of board on the inside of you wardrobe door. Screw in some hooks-small ones for belts,larger ones for handbag-and there you are! Problem neatly solved. 在你衣柜门背面钉块木板,拧上一些钩子-小的挂带子,大的挂提包-这就行了!问题就干净利落地解决了。
- He found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird. 他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。
- I was hurt by a piece of falling masonry. 我被掉下来的一块建筑用石块砸伤。
- Doublet took up the remaining oar and used it as a paddle, and Trinket found a piece of board on the floor of the skiff and paddled with it on the other side. 双儿拿起剩下的一柄桨,用力扳动,小艇又向岸边驶去。驶得一会,离大船已远,眼见是追不上了。大船上只有一艘小艇,洪教主等人武功再高,在这寒冷彻骨的天时,却也不敢跳入水中游水追来,何况人在水中游泳,再快也追不上船艇。
- The baby was given a piece of candy. 这孩子拿到了一块糖。
- The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。
- She cut her finger on a piece of broken glass. 她被一块碎玻璃划伤了手指。
- A piece of peat that is burned for use as fuel. 泥炭作为燃料燃烧的一块泥炭
- He covered over the hole in the roof with a piece of asphalt felt. 他用一块沥青油毡盖住了房顶的漏洞。