- a pathetically shy woman 令人怜悯的腼腆女人
- Mrs. Archer was a shy woman and shrank from society. 阿切尔夫人是个动辄脸红的女人,躲着不和外界交际。
- You are nothing but a pathetic fool. 你只不过是个可怜的傻瓜。
- She gave me a pathetic little smile. 她对我凄凉地一笑。
- Being a simple shy woman, she was afraid to take him to the fancy court in Benares, but she saved the king's signet ring. 她是个朴实、怕羞的女人,有点害怕将孩子带到富丽堂皇的贝拿勒斯宫殿,但是她把国王的图章戒指保存了起来。
- She made a pathetic attempt to smile. 她勉强地微微一笑。
- The starving children were a pathetic sight. 饥饿的儿童看起来一幅凄惨的景象。
- Short and dark and strongly built like her father, Suzanne, a shy woman, was proud of Horst's legacy and angered by people she thought might be trying to exploit it. 苏珊如同她的父亲一样身材矮壮,肤色黝黑,性格羞怯的她为霍斯特留下的遗产感到骄傲,并对那些在她看来图谋染指遗产的人极为愤怒。
- A pathetic fire flickered in the hearth. 壁炉里微弱的火光在闪烁。
- The animal gave a pathetic little whimper. 这只动物低声哀叫,令人怜悯。
- Such a pathetic European record!!! 多么可怜的欧洲记录!!
- We racked up a pathetic goose egg. 我们得了零分。
- Tom is a pathetic little naughty caress. 汤姆是一个惹人怜爱的小淘气。
- This is true, is also a pathetic history! 这是真实的,也是悲惨的历史!
- Much as an actual Arbus photo transports us into strange and unfamiliar worlds, FUR travels through the looking glass to explore the transformation of a shy woman into a powerfully original artist. 黛安(妮歌洁曼饰)的父亲是一名富有的皮草店主,其丈夫艾伦是时装和广告摄影师。黛安的父母把她培养成上流阶级,以批判的眼光观察她的一举一动,不容有任何出错或失礼。
- Of course it was an abuse of power, but a pathetically small one compared with Iran-Contra. 这当然是滥用权力,但与“伊朗门”比起来,这只是小巫见大巫。
- She should have worn a pathetic expression when next we met. 下次我们见面时,她会摆出一副苦相的。
- We are still a little shy of our quota. 我们离完成定额还差一点点。
- The two made a pretty, or rather a pathetic, picture. 这两个人组成了一副美丽的,更确切点儿是令人伤感的画面。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。