- A song of praise or joy; a paean. 颂歌赞颂的歌或欢乐的歌; 感恩歌
- The lingering echo of the dashing waters are a paean of praise to and an expression of love for China's landscape. 在人们耳际荡起滔滔势的余响,表达了对华夏河山的赞美和热爱。
- Psalm 29, a paean of praise, focuses on God's glory as revealed in an earth-shaking thunderstorm. 诗篇二十九篇与三十篇对赞美与感谢描绘出不同的景象。
- A song of praise or joy;a paean. 颂歌赞颂的歌或欢乐的歌;感恩歌
- It is a paean of the history of mankind. 那是人类历史上不断重演着的赞歌。
- The Overlord Doffs His armor also describes the battle of Gaixia, but while Surrounded on all Sides is a paean of praise to the victorious Liu Bang, 《霸王卸甲》虽然也与《十面埋伏》一样,描述了公元前202年楚汉埃下之战,但《十面埋伏》歌颂了汉王刘邦的胜利,
- combine to paint a tranquil scene of a river on a moonlit night in spring, and is a paean of praise to the countryside south of the Yangtze River. 展现了月夜春江的宁静景色、赞颂了江南水乡的迷人风姿。
- The Overlord Doffs His armor also describes the battle of Gaixia, but while Surrounded on all Sides is a paean of praise to the victorious Liu Bang 《霸王卸甲》虽然也与《十面埋伏》一样,描述了公元前202年楚汉埃下之战,但《十面埋伏》歌颂了汉王刘邦的胜利
- a paean of praise 赞歌.
- A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity. 赞美诗,赞歌对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌
- He had his head turned by a concert of praise. 他因受到异口同声的赞颂而忘乎所以。
- They sang a hymn of praise to God. 他们唱著圣歌,赞美上帝。
- The novel is a paean to the end of empire. 该小说奏响了一个帝国落寞的赞歌。
- A formal expression of praise; a tribute. 赞(颂)词赞扬的正式表述; 颂词
- Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise. 他难得称赞你一句。
- It is a paean of a sound life. (它是一曲健全生命的赞歌。)
- A song of praise or joy; a paean 颂歌赞颂的歌或欢乐的歌;感恩歌
- A few words of praise from her would have completed his happiness. 她要是能夸他两句,他也就心满意足了。
- Her words of praise were a stimulus for people to work harder. 她赞扬的话鼓舞人们工作更努力。