- How much is it for a one day pass? 一天通用票要多少钱?
- Robbie Fowler today spoke of his ambition to one day manage Liverpool. 福勒:执教利物浦?为什么不呢!
- He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。
- One day, Mr Ampere go out for a walk in the street. 有一天,安培先生去街上散步。
- He drives like a nut he'll kill himself one day. 他开汽车像个疯子--不定哪天就得撞死。
- The longer there is no solution, the greater the risk that the lunatic fringe, abetted by the likes of Iran's president, may one day manage to drop a bomb on the Jewish state. 达成解决方案的时间拖得越久,受伊朗总统之流唆使的极端主义者可能某一天在犹太国家引发恐慌的危险就越大。
- Snow spoke during a one day meeting of ministers from industrialized nations ,ahead of a June summit in the French city of Evian. 这是在法国埃维昂市举行六月峰会前,斯诺先生在为期一天的工业化国家部长级会议上的讲话。
- Take part in a one day exhibition match or compete in the knockout tournament against the world's best cricketing nations. 参加了为期一天的表演赛或竞争的淘汰赛比赛对世界上最好的板球国家。
- A threat of thunderstorms(12) Saturday prompted a one day delay of the Krewe(13) of Endymion(14)'s parade, which was set to follow the Krewe of Bacchus(15) on Sunday night. 由于担心周六会有雷暴来袭,恩底弥翁克鲁决定把游行推迟一天,在周日晚间巴克斯克鲁之后举行。
- IH&RA plans to tackle this global hospitality industry challenge head on by hosting a one day Human Resources Development Forum to kick of the IH&RA Congress on Friday 27 October. 为应对这一饭店行业的挑战,在拉开年会帷幕的前一天,即10月27日,国际饭店与餐馆协会将举办一个“人力资源发展”论坛。
- University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL) is please to organise a one day conference on the theme of ‘Best Practice in Teaching and Testing English in Schools’. 剑桥大学外语考试部(Cambridge ESOL)诚挚地邀请您参加中小学英语教学国际高峰论坛。
- How can so much be compressed into one day? 这么多的东西怎么能压缩在一天之内看完呢?
- One day she happened to run across Xiao liu. 有一天她碰巧见到小刘了。
- One day we'll both get to see New York. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。
- Providing one-stop service - day to day management. 提供一站式的服务
- One day the baker's daughter gave him a kitten. 一天,老板的女儿送给他一只小猫。
- While his manager may nurse ambitions of working in Serie A one day, Andrei Shevchenko says he has no intention of returning to AC Milan despite newspaper reports to the contrary last week. 尽管他的教练期待有一天能够去意大利工作,除了新闻报道在上个星期一直提出相反的意见之外,舍瓦本人并没有重返米兰的意思。
- I'd like to rent a car for just one day. 我想租一部车,一天即可。
- How much is a one way ticket to Boston? 到波士顿的单程票多少?
- You should pay $28 for a one way ticket. 单程票为28美元。