- One who prepares a nuclear weapon for release. 核武器专家为核武器发射做准备的人
- Could there be an accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon? 有没有可能会有核武的意外爆炸?
- Mr.ElBaradei said he could not confirm whether North Korea has conducted a nuclear weapons test. 埃尔巴拉迪说,他不能证实北韩是否进行过核试验。
- He says the need to since North Korea tested a nuclear weapon last month. Reach an agreement with urgent. 他说自从朝鲜上月进行核武器试验后,与平壤达成协议的需要越来越迫切。
- Selig Harrison said senior officials warned that North Korea was now a nuclear weapons state and would not commit itself on when it would give them up. 塞利格哈里森表示,高级官员警告说,朝鲜现在已经是一个拥有核武器的国家,但朝鲜不愿做出何时将会放弃核武器的承诺。
- "I know for sure that North Korea has the plutonium that they need for a nuclear weapon," he said. 埃尔巴拉迪说,“我敢肯定地说,北韩拥有制造核武器的钸。
- But North Korea has withdrawn from those talks, and recently tested a nuclear weapon and ballistic missiles in violation of United Nations sanctions. 但是北韩退出了谈判,最近还违反联合国制裁规定试射弹道导弹和核武器。
- And China's relationship, famously “as close as lips and teeth”, with North Korea spawned a mouth ulcer last October when North Korea let off a nuclear weapon. 著名的“唇齿相依般紧密”的中朝关系在去年十月北朝鲜引爆核武器的那一刻生出了口腔溃疡。
- In addition, Pakistan heard American concerns that North Korea had gotten help from Pakistani scientists. Finally, Libya's leader admitted in December that his country had a nuclear weapons program. 另外,巴基斯坦听说美国关注朝鲜是否得到过核技术。后来,利比亚领导承认曾计划发展核武器。
- And they found nothing to conclude that Iraq had a nuclear weapons program. 但是对于确认伊拉克已经拥有核武器发展计划他们却没有发现什么。
- The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, in a report to the American Congress this week, said there are indications North Korea is preparing to test-fire a ballistic missile with a nuclear weapon sized payload that could reach across the Pacific Ocean. 美国中央情报局这星期提交给美国国会的一份报告中说,有迹象显示,北韩准备试验一颗可以携带核武器、能够跨越太平洋的弹道导弹。
- And the second is that without a nuclear weapon, he believes his government would have no way of staving off the larger, richer powers around it: China, Japan, South Korea and the United States. 第二个意图是他认为,没有核武器,他的政府就没有办法避开它周围庞大的、富有的国家--中国,日本,韩国和美国。
- Treaty on South-East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone; 东南亚无核武器区条约;
- South East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone; 东南亚无核武器区;
- We have a much bigger potential to use the information umbrella than to use a nuclear weapon. 对于我们来说,使用信息伞比使用核武器伞有更大的潜力。
- Einstein's colleagues convinced him to write to President Franklin D.Roosevelt about building a nuclear weapon. 爱因斯坦的一些同事曾说服他给罗斯福总统写信建议制造原子弹。
- Iran has been sanctioned for its alleged ambitions to be a nuclear weapons power. Iran denies the charge. 伊朗因为据称有发展核武器的野心而受到制裁。伊朗否认这些指控。
- China shares our concerns about Iran becoming a nuclear weapons state, the tensure . “中方和我方探讨了对伊朗成为核武器国家的关注。
- "China shares our concerns about Iran becoming a nuclear weapons state, the tensure . “中方和我方探讨了对伊朗成为核武器国家的关注。
- They decided to establish a nuclear power station. 他们决定修建一所核电站。