- I put a new reel of film in my camera. 我一卷新胶卷装入照相机。
- The camera uses a new type of film. 这种相机用一种新型胶卷。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- We are testing the efficacy of a new drug. 我们正在测试新药的功效。
- She splashed out on a new pair of shoes. 她心血来潮买了一双新鞋。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- The negotiator produce a new set of figures. 谈判者们提出了一组新数字。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- The wall requires a new coat of paint. 这墙需要再涂一层新油漆。
- A new pair of shoes wouldn't come amiss. 新鞋不会不称心的。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- At the eve of 21 century,with the tide of globalization getting ever higher and stronger,there emerged a new world film trend in terms of film culture and aesthetics. 21世纪到来前夜,随着全球化浪潮的日趋强劲,世界电影却日渐呈现出一种在电影文化和审美上的多极均势和文明开化的新格局。
- I got a new job and a new set of work associations. 我有了新工作和一班新同事。
- A new or recently revised edition of input data. 输入数据的新的或最近校对过的“版本”。
- A new type of car is on the market now. 现在一种新型小汽车正在上市。
- I'm thinking of investing in a new car. 我打算花一笔钱买辆新汽车。
- The famous film star signed up for a new film production. 那位著名影星已签约参加拍摄一部新片。
- The scientists are in search of a new element. 科学家们正在寻找一种新元素。
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。