- Leon received his baptism of fire in a naval battle when he was eighteen years old. 利昂18岁时有了第一次海战的经历。
- A naval battle in 1805 off the SW coast of Spain,the French and Spanish fleets were defeated by the English under Nelson (who was mortally wounded). 在西班牙的西南海岸的在1805年的一次海战,在纳尔逊(受了致命的伤)领导下英国人战胜了法国人和西班牙舰队。
- But because ships, like regiments, are composed of hundreds of men each, you can still have a large number of personnel in a naval battle. 但因为船队象军团一样由数百人组成,您在一次海战能仍然有很大数量的人员。
- Finnish-Swedish research team said it has found a Soviet submarine that was sunk in a naval battle in the Battle Sea during World War II. 由芬兰与瑞典合组的一个研究团队说,它已经寻获了一艘在二战期间波罗的海一艘海战中沉默的苏联船舰。
- A naval battle in World War II (1944),a decisive naval victory for the US fleet over the Japanese who were trying to block supplies from reaching American troops on Leyte. 在第二次世界大战(1944)中的一次战斗,美国舰队对试图阻止来自莱特岛供应美国舰队的供应品日本海军的一次决定性的胜利。
- A naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898),the US fleet bottled up the Spanish ships in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba and destroyed them when they tried to escape. 西班牙-美国战争(1898)里的一次海军战斗,美国舰队在古巴的圣地亚哥海港包围了西班牙船并在他们试图逃走时消灭了他们。
- He took part in a great naval battle. 他参加了一次大海战。
- This picture shows the Chang Chiang Naval Battle. 本图显示长江海战情形。
- To appoint to a naval or military command. 委派任命司令官或舰长
- It showed england's superiority as a naval power. 海军力量。
- And also a naval base along Fujian's coast. 也是福建的一个沿海军事要塞。
- Admiral Nelson was a naval officer. 纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。
- I've never been aboard a naval vessel. 我从来没有在军舰上呆过。
- a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet. 在西班牙-美国战争(1898)战争里的一次海军战斗;海军上将杜威领导下的美国舰队战胜西班牙舰队。
- He served as a naval officer during the war. 战时他在海军当军官。
- My grandfather wished me to be a naval officer. 我祖父希望我成为一位空军军官。
- a naval battle in the Russo-Japanese War (1905); the Japanese fleet defeated the Russian fleet in the Korean Strait. 拉索-日本战争(1905)里的一次海战;日本舰队在朝鲜海峡战胜俄国舰队。
- He is determined to become a naval captain. 他立志当一名海军。
- The North may try to provoke a naval skirmish. 朝鲜可能会挑起小规模的海上争端。
- a naval battle in the War of Greek Independence (1827); the Turkish and Egyptian fleet was defeated by the allied fleet 在希腊独立战争(1827)中的一次战斗;联盟军的舰队战胜了土耳其和埃及舰队