- He asked me to make him a mug of coffee. 他要我给他弄杯咖啡。
- He drank a mug of coffee. 他喝了一大杯咖啡。
- He has a mug of cocoa before bed. 他临睡前喝一缸子可可。
- A mug of hot chocolate was just what she needed. 一马克杯的热巧克力正是她所需要的。
- She made a mug of coffee. 她煮了一大杯咖啡。
- I want a mug of coffee. 我要一大杯咖啡。
- He was so thirsty that he drank a mug of milk. 他太渴了,喝了一大杯的牛奶。
- I have a mug of cocoa every morning. 每天早上我都喝一杯热可可。
- She needs a mug of hot chocolate now. 她现在需要一杯热巧克力。
- He swilled the bread down with a mug of tea. 他就着一大杯茶把面包吞下肚去。
- I have a mug of milk and some bread for my breakfast. 我喝一大杯牛奶吃一点面包作为早餐。
- He likes to have a mug of cocoa before bed (= before going to bed). 他睡前喜欢喝一大杯可可。
- They were pleased to get a mug of tea to warm themselves up. 他们很高兴得到一杯茶来暖和自己。
- a mug of coffee 一大杯咖啡
- Winston had finished his bread and cheese.He turned a little sideways in his chair to drink his mug of coffee. 温斯顿吃完面包和干酪,在椅子上半斜身体,开始喝他那杯咖啡。
- I usually have a boil egg and a cup of coffee. 我通常吃一个煮鸡蛋,喝一杯咖啡。
- And here are some more coffee words for you. During your coffee break,you might have a cup of coffee or a larger mug of coffee. 这里为大家介绍一些与咖啡有关的词汇。在喝咖啡小憩时,你可能要喝一杯咖啡或者一大杯咖啡。
- How about a cup of coffee at a nearby coffee shop? 去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡吧?
- And here are some more coffee words for you. During your coffee break, you might have a cup of coffee or a larger mug of coffee. 这里为大家介绍一些与咖啡有关的词汇。 在喝咖啡小憩时,你可能要喝一杯咖啡或者一大杯咖啡。
- A: I like nothing better than a mug of draft beer on a hot evening. 在大热天晚上喝一杯桶装啤酒,再也没有比这更让我惬意的事情了。