- Be concealing a moving story face to face here. 这里面隐藏着一个动人的故事。
- Suddenly, a moving story has lapsed into public monument cliche. 倾刻间一个动人的故事成了挂在嘴头的陈词滥调。
- Suddenly, a moving story has lapsed into publicmonument cliche. 倾刻间一个动人的故事成了挂在嘴头的陈词滥调。
- Blackberry Jam is a moving story about moors, home cooking and separation. 《黑莓酱的故事》是一个以旷野、家常菜和分离为内容的感人故事。
- Bob Richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. 撑杆跳的前世界冠军鲍勃·理查兹与大家分享了一个感人的故事,一个身材瘦小却全心全意热爱足球的男孩的故事。
- With the rich flavors of detective story, comedy, and melodrama, this movie interweaves themes of family, sex, and money to create a moving story. 在推理、喜剧和通俗剧的丰富味道里,本片交织出关于家庭、性和金钱的动人故事。
- The ballet "Lin Daiyu"selected from the lengthy novel is a moving story of love between Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai, and follows their conflicts and tragic fate. 芭蕾舞剧《林黛玉》撷取最动人的爱情故事--林黛玉、贾宝玉和薛宝钗之间的感情纠葛及最终的悲剧结局,
- Expect everything you normally get from a Pixar film: a moving story, well-crafted comedic performances, the best animation in the business, and a windfall at the box-office. 在这部电影中,我们可以一如既往地享受皮克斯动画工作室给我们带来的一切:感人的故事情节,夸张诙谐的表演,世界最好的动画制作,还有狂风扫落叶般的票房收入。
- Expect everything you normally get from a Pixar film: a moving story, well-crafted comedic performances, the best animation in the business, and a 20)windfall at the box-office. 在这部电影中,我们可以一如既往地享受皮克斯动画工作室给我们带来的一切:感人的故事情节,夸张诙谐的表演,业界最好的动画制作,还有狂风扫落叶般的票房收入。
- Have an extraordinary, a moving story collections, like one of your friends to understand. Standing quietly placed a blessing to forget some secular trouble. "拥有一份平凡的工作,珍藏一个心动的故事,喜欢一个懂你的知己,常寄一份默默的祝福,忘却一些世俗的烦恼。"
- It's getting dark; we'd better make a move. 天越来越黑了,我们最好动身吧。
- Passengers should never alight from a moving bus. 公共汽车未停稳时,乘客万勿下车。
- Cheshire tower construction, it spread a moving story: Legend has it the ancient, Dongting Lake, there are Shuiyao mischief, damage from the regular people, the ordinary people suffering. 慈氏塔的修建,流传着一个动人的故事:相传古代,洞庭湖里有水妖作怪,经常出来为害百姓,老百姓苦不堪言。
- Neither side is willing to make a move. 双方都不愿采取行动。
- There is a move to liberalize literature and the Arts. 文学与艺术有自由化的动向。
- Rarely have I read such a moving love story. 我难得读到这么感人的爱情故事。
- Hers is a moving and ultimately triumphant story. 她的事迹是一个感人肺腑的、最终获得成功的故事。
- Such a move met with the warm approval of all developing countries. 这一行动得到了所有发展中国家的热烈赞同。
- Get a move on, or we'll be late! 赶快,否则我们要迟到了。
- a moving story; a touching story 动人的故事