- a mosaic floor; a tessellated pavement. 拼花地板;拼花人行道。
- The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white. 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
- The sky this morning was a mosaic of blue and white. 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
- A mosaic of testimony from various witnesses. 从不同证人中得来的综合证词
- Mississippi Masala and a mosaic of short stories. 《密西西比的玛沙拉》和穿插的小故事。
- A mosaic of fields, rivers and woods lay below us. 我们下方是由田野、河流和林木交织成的图画。
- The VAG-BA copolymer latex can be used as mosaic floor adhesive. 用醋酸乙烯酯与丙烯酸丁酯进行乳液共聚合,所得产物用作木地板胶粘剂。
- Porcelain shards, like a mosaic! 大牛:用瓷片拼成的,像一幅镶嵌画!
- a mosaic floor 拼花地板
- I saw several houses with mosaic floors and wall paintings. 我看了好几间地上铺着马赛克地板、墙上绘有壁画的房子。
- Wormlike marks or carvings, as in a mosaic or masonry. 虫迹形;虫蚀纹装饰蠕虫状的标记或雕刻图案,如在镶嵌物或石造建筑物中
- On the first morning, the sky was a mosaic of blue and white. 第一天早晨,天空像一幅蓝白镶嵌的图画。
- And alongside the massive walls of an early Christian church, I could make out the double circle of pillars of a Baptistery in the centre of a perfectly preserved intricate mosaic floor. 沿著早期基督教教堂高大厚实的砌墙边上,我还能分辨出在保存得相当完整、复杂精美的马赛克镶嵌地板中央,静静的躺著一座洗礼池,周围环绕伫立著两圈石柱。
- My mind is a confused jumble of onyx and gilding and mosaic floors and palms . 我依然喘不过气来,但我很高兴终于又回到学校和书本里来。
- A decorative inlaid pattern in a surface, especially a mosaic worked in wood. 细木镶嵌装饰面里装饰性的镶嵌图案,尤其是木头中的镶嵌图案
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 这书砰的一声落在地板上。
- Conclusions:The karyotype of the male patient is a mosaic:46,XY/92,XXYY. 结论:该男性患者核型溪嵌合体:46,XY/92,XXYY。
- Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor. 他们的衣服杂乱地堆在地板上。
- Marble and travertine processing Limestone - Volcanic stones Mosaic floors - Bathroom furniture... 分类标题:城市公用设施|天然大理石和石料...
- He is assigned a room on the grind floor. 他分配到底层一间房子。