- One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished. 一天早晨,他的债主们发现他已连夜逃走,不知去向。
- The policeman is a moonlight pianist. 这个警察是一个兼职钢琴师。
- The policeman is a moonlight pianist . 这个警察是一个兼职钢琴师。
- Is there a moonlight cruise tonight? 有夜间的游览船吗?
- There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe. 月光也会让人心存敬畏。
- That night was a moonlight night. 那一晚是个月明之夜。
- Listen Oh, bringing a moonlight speckled night sky. 听呵,皎洁的月光洒满夜空。
- The Yu Garden is the most enchanting moonlight garden at night in summer. 夏夜,豫园是最迷人的月色夜花园。
- a moonlight garden 月色夜花园
- The last that ever she saw him, carried away by a moonlight shadow. 她曾经看见他的最后一个,被一种月光影子带走。
- E. The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlight scene. 舞台的灯光产生月夜景色的效果.
- It took a moonlight requisition to get the medicine we needed. 趁着夜色偷袭,我们获得了所需要的药品。
- Do you have extra time? Become a moonlighter today! 你有空余的时间吗?今天就来做兼职吧!
- I watched your vision forming, carried away by a moonlight shadow. 我观看你的眼光形成,被一种月光影子带走。
- Will be weak and the night, one will simulate a moonlight with a pilot. 模拟月光的昏暗灯光。
- During summer, don't miss the divine experience of a Moonlight Cinema session. 夏季,不要忘记到月光影院(Moonlight Cinema)体验美妙的感受。
- When he discovered the police were after him, he did a moonlight flit. 当他发现警察正在找他,他....怎样了?
- The heavy rain made a great mess of the garden. 这场大雨把花园搞得一团糟。
- A moonlight stroll? on the beach sounds like a great way to end the evening. 在洒满月光的海滩上散步,以次作为这个晚上的结尾曲,这听起来很棒。
- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。