- A mission to Mars had to be abandoned two years ago after the probe moved off course. 两年前,一个火星任务在探测器偏离了轨道后,而不得不终止。
- A mission to an asteroid would follow later, and the plan would culminate in a mission to Mars, which the panel says could be achieved by the mid- to late-2020s. 月球之后是登陆小行星,计划最终到达火星,委员会说这可能在2020年中后期完成。
- Once he is on a mission to visit the state of Chu. 晏婴出使楚国。
- Squyres is all in favor of a manned mission to Mars. 斯奎尔非常支持前往火星的载人任务。
- At NASA,planned missions to Mars had acquired new urgency. 对美国国家宇航局来说火星登陆计划更显得特别紧迫。
- a mission to Mars. 火星太空行动
- A spacecraft was launched on a mission to soft-land on Mars and photograph its surface. 一艘太空般发射了,其使命是软着陆於火之上并拍摄它的表面情况。
- An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another. 使者被派去代表另一个人的利益完成某使命的人
- ISRO has plans to send a manned mission to space in four years' time and eventually on to Mars. 印度太空研究组织计划在四年时间内向太空发射人工飞船,并最终抵达火星。
- Europe's flagship robotic rover mission to Mars now looks certain to leave Earth in 2018, two years later than recently proposed, the BBC understands. BBC了解到,欧盟的火星探测旗舰级机器人2018年将会离开月球,这比最近一次发布的时间晚了两年。
- At NASA, planned missions to Mars had acquired new urgency. 对美国国家宇航局来说火星登陆计划更显得特别紧迫。
- A mission to a foreign government headed by an ambassador. 大使的派遣由大使派遣的去外国政府的任务
- A 17-nation intergovernmental organization established in 1974, the ESA is presently focused on developing the technologies that would be needed for a manned mission to Mars. 作为17个国家在1974年建立的政府间组织,欧洲空间局目前正致力于开发实施火星载人登陆计划所需的技术。
- They sent me on a mission to Berlin at the end of this month. 这月底他们派我到柏林执行一项重要任务。
- He was sent on a mission to France by his government. 他受政府委派出使法国。
- "We have a mission to perform. Quit pretending." cried he angrily. 他生气地高喊一声: “我们有任务, 别装蒜。”
- Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars. 一些科学家已经发送宇宙飞船去火星。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- The group tried to send a probe to Mars but failed. 这组人试图向火星发射航天探测器,但没能成功。
- There's a new plan to send a rocket to Mars. 有个新计划要把一枚火箭发射到火星上去.