- A woman of charm is as rare as a man of genius. 郎才女貌世间稀。
- Any means may justify the ends of a man of genius. 一个有天才的人为了达到他的目的可以不择手段。
- A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money. 愚人会很快忘记说过的话,智者会很快放弃手中的钱。
- He's a man of mathematical genius. 他是个数学天才。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- But how can fame and profit concern a man of genius? Day and night I long for him to Bring his lute again. 高才脱略名与利, 日夕望君抱琴至。
- A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery. 天纵英才之人不为其过而受咎,因其所犯之错误仅是阶段性,反而因此而导致新境界之发现。
- Shakespear was a man of transcedent genius. 才华超凡的人。
- A man of genius makes no mistakes. His error are volitioonal and are the portals of discovery. 天才是不会犯错的,他们所犯的错都是他们决意要做的,而这往往是促成他们发明的途经。
- He is a man of consequence in the Labour Party. 他是工党中举足轻重的人物。
- His god-father had predicted that he would turn out a man of genius, and had bestowed on him these two significant names: Luc-Esprit. 他的教父预言过,说他将成为一个才华横溢的人,并且替他取了这样一个有意义的名字:明慧。
- He may be characterized as a man of hobbies. 他可以被称作是一个有癖好的人。
- The age was productive of men of genius. 那个时代出天才。
- He set up for a man of learning. 他自认为是个有学问的人。
- My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 我的邻居是一个具有高尚品德的人。
- Partly in his own defense, he expounded his theory that any means justified the ends of a man of genius, and that sometimes he believed himself a man of genius. 他多多少少是为自己辩护而发挥了他的理论:一个有天才的人为了达到他的目的可以不择手段,而他有时就认为自己是个天才。
- He is a man of great resolution. 他是一个极其果断的人。
- He is a man of subtle and refined sensibility. 他是个感情细腻的男子。
- Mr Black was a man of cast iron will. 布莱克先生是个意志坚定的人。
- You are a man of genius. 你很有天赋。