- Make up & hair styling for weddings & all occasions Freelance make up artist in Klang Valley / Selangor / Seremban. 位于 吉隆坡 ; 雪兰峨 以及 芙蓉 Professional make up & hair do service provided in : 所提供的化妆及造型服务有: - B...
- Over the breakfast table,make up artist Andy Lee compliments her on looking oggd on television,for the PSC show. 早餐之后,化装师安迪.;李称赞美静在电视上PSC秀里看上去很迷人。
- Ling Luo is not only Lampson's Asian community operative, she is also his Asian community “Make up Artist”-image builder, often helping to write and publish articles and activity photos for Lampson. 罗玲不仅是蓝普森的亚裔社区操盘手,也是他的亚裔社区化妆师,经常协助蓝普森发布新闻稿、活动照片。
- They gave me a week to make up my mind. 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定。
- I was recommended to use it by a HK chanteuse's make up artiste and found out that another TW chanteuse uses the same product. 它是一个香港歌手的化妆师推荐给我的,然后我又发现另一个台湾歌手也在用同样的产品。
- Laptop was down yesterday so I didn’t manage to post.Sent it in for repair today, was told that it will take a weel to be fixed.Will write a make up post for it soon. 来看看味道如何.;吃拉面配饺子是我的习惯;乐面屋忠孝店里只有 紫苏饺子 并没有普通口味的饺子所以就点了那个
- I'm taking care of all the bridal arrangements.I'm also "your ships social director".Hey, let me show you are darned exciting play room.You want a make up holder for your mum? 我负责安排婚礼的一切,我还是船上的社交顾问,嗨,让我带你去看看那个游乐室,你以后可以待你的家里人来。
- Farm workers make up only a small section of the population. 农民只占人口的一小部分。
- Let's make up a contract for the sale of know-how, shall we? 让我们来起草一份出售技术的合同如何?
- He asked us each to make up a dialogue. 他让我们每人编一段对话。
- A large part of Africa is made up of thick forest. 非洲的大部分地区都是密林。
- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- Charles is a good egg; he will always find time to make up a fourth at bridge. 查尔斯很讨人喜欢,他总是愿意抽出时间成为桥牌的第四个搭挡。
- He tried hard to make up for the lose time. 他竭力试图弥补损失的时间。
- But I make up for it in the evening. 可是到了晚上我就补回来了。
- He asked the children to make up a poem about their life in the army. 他让孩子们写首诗来反映他们在部队的生活。
- While purple-toed, keen-eyed hunters are just a made up example, a real animal that demonstrates this is the three-spined stickleback fish of western Canada. 紫色的脚趾,敏锐的视力都只是编出来的例子,加拿大西部的三刺鱼为我们展示进化历程,这是一种真正存在的动物。
- Did you get a make on the assailant? 你得知有关攻击者的资料了吗?
- She tired to make up to the boss. 她想讨好老板。
- A suspicious boat made up to us. 一条形迹可疑的船向我们驶来。