- a maiden hight Elaine 名叫埃莱恩的少女
- His reputation stunk for obscenities to a maiden. 他因猥亵一名少女而声名狼藉。
- Your proportions are not those of a maiden. 你的身材可不是一个姑娘的身材。
- The heart of a maiden is a dark forest. 少女的心是隐秘森林。
- A chaste or unmarried woman;a maiden. 贞洁女子或未婚女子;处女
- A maiden lady is an unmarried lady. 处女是没有结婚的妇女。
- The condition or time of being a maiden. 少女的状态或时期
- Of, relating to, or suitable for a maiden. 少女的、与少女有关的或适合少女的
- A young woman or girl; a maiden. 少女,姑娘;闺女
- A good young man is wooing a maiden fair he loves. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。
- A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst. 有许多人向她求婚的少女,往往选中最差的一个。
- A maiden's carefree heart cherishes ardent benevolence. 悠悠少女心,殷殷慈悲意。
- A maiden who was loved by Zeus and transformed by Hera into a heifer. 艾奥宙斯所爱的少女,被赫拉变成丁小母牛
- The congregation can never be too small for a maiden sermon. 听第一篇讲道的会众向来不会太少。
- Is there a maiden who does not begin to think of love? 哪个少女不怀春?
- The condition or quality of being a maiden; virginity. 处女作为处女时的性质或状态;童贞
- A maiden voyage;a maiden speech in the House of Commons. 处女航;在国会下院的首次演说
- A maiden with a lot wooers frequently chooses the worst. 少女有了许多求婚者往往选中了最差的一个。
- Sunday's second race brought a maiden win for Ernesto Viso. 在周日的第二场比赛中,埃内斯托-维索获得了个人的第一场胜利。
- The condition or quality of being a maiden;virginity. 处女作为处女时的性质或状态;童贞