- It was a luxuriously appointed room. 这是一个陈设豪华的房间。
- a luxuriously appointed hotel 设备豪华的旅馆
- Cream cakes are no long a luxury. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。
- The lady appeared with a luxurious fur coat. 那位夫人穿着华贵的毛皮外套来了。
- When in Paris he put up at a luxurious hotel. 他在巴黎时住在一家豪华的旅馆里。
- A refrigerator was then a luxury. 那时候冰箱是种奢侈品。
- The 578 luxuriously appointed rooms and suites either present the best harbour views or overlook the vibrant streets of Tsim Sha Tsui East. 578间豪华装修的客房及所有套房有的可饱览维多利亚海港的壮丽景致,还有的可俯瞰尖沙咀东区的繁华街道。
- The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall. 贵宾们在大餐厅参加一个宴会。
- The English tourist of the early part of the century frequently went to considerable pains and expense to ship to the continent horses and coaches, the latter often luxuriously appointed. 19世纪早期的旅行者经常不厌其烦、不惜血本地将马和教练船运至欧洲大陆,而后者的雇佣成本通常很高。
- Our luxuriously appointed function rooms, equipped with modern facilities and hi-tech equipment, are perfect for occasions from private banquets for 20 guests to large conferences for 200 people. 宴会厅结合了豪华布置及高科技设备,配备各式文仪及会议器材,适合举办各类型私人宴会或公司活动。
- There was a luxurious garden surrounding a lakelet. 有一豪华的花园围绕着小湖。
- She has been honing for a luxurious life. 她一直渴望过豪华奢侈的生活。
- The deck chair was a luxury to her. 对她来说,帆布躺椅是一件奢侈品。
- A luxuriant tan bespeaks health and glamour. 丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的标志。
- That was a luxury he had never enjoyed before. 这是他从没享受过的高级东西。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- A mustache, especially a luxuriant one. 髭;特别是大的髭须
- The millionaire leads a luxurious life. 那个百万富翁过着豪华的生活。
- Airing a quilt is a romance, a luxury. 晒被是很浪漫的一回事,奢侈的浪漫。
- Fruit was a luxury in wartime Britain. 在战时的英国,水果是一种奢侈品。