- I carry a lucky charm to protect me when I travel. 出门旅行时,我会带一会带来好运的护身符。
- Today was a Lucky Charms morning. 今天上午是幸运的魅力。
- The arrow itself has become a lucky charm for lovers when it pierces two hearts and binds them together. 箭本身已成为恋人们的吉祥符,因为它穿透两颗心让它们永不分离。
- But the baby,say his doting grandparents,is more than simply a lucky charm for the couple's marriage. 但是,对孩子十分宠爱的爷爷奶奶说,孩子的出生对夫妇两人的婚姻来说不仅仅是幸运。
- When a mother cuts a lock of her baby'shair and puts it away for safekeeping,she is creating a lucky charm. 妈妈剪下宝宝一绺头发并将它保存起来时,她是在做一个幸运符。
- But the baby, say his doting grandparents, is more than simply a lucky charm for the couple's marriage. 但是,对孩子十分宠爱的爷爷奶奶说,孩子的出生对夫妇两人的婚姻来说不仅仅是幸运。
- The arrow itself has become a lucky charm for lovers when it/" target="_blank">it pierces two hearts and binds them together. 箭本身已成为恋人们的吉祥符,因为它穿透两颗心让它们永不分离。
- During the Cultural Revolution, defacing Mao's image was punishable by death.Even today, Mao's image is used as a lucky charm for many Beijing taxicabs. 在文革期间,不尊敬毛的肖像甚至会被处死,如今毛主席像仍是许多北京出租汽车最爱的幸运符。
- One study found that people living in high-risk areas of the Middle East, such as Tel Aviv, are much more likely to carry a lucky charm than other people. 一项研究发现,生活在中东的高风险地区的人,如在特拉维夫,带着幸运咒符的很可能要比其他地方多得多。
- Amber-The Greeks called this stone electron,which gave us our word for electricity,and its power to give off sparks when rubbed gives us a clue why even prehistoric people may have considered amber a lucky charm. 琥珀:希腊人把这种石头称为电子,这就让我们有了电这个词;这种石头摩擦时能冒出火花,又多少为我们解释了为什么史前时代的人们就可能已经把琥珀视为吉祥物。
- The hunter bought a lucky voodoo charm. 猎人买了个伏都护身符。
- Whew! That car was a lucky escape. 嘿!那辆汽车真是幸免于难。
- I seem to be having a lucky streak. 我似乎现在正在走运。
- A lucky visitor to the ant city may see the queen. 幸运的蚁城访问者可能会看到蚁后。
- We are opposed to counting on a lucky chance. 我们反对单纯去碰运气。
- Los Angeles is a lucky place for Angela. 洛杉机对安杰拉来说是个幸运地。
- You must have been born under a lucky star! 你准是生来命好。
- Whew ! That was a lucky escape ! ! 这可是侥幸脱险哪!
- "Eighty-five is a lucky number." the old man said. “八十五是一个吉利数目,”老头儿说。
- Mr. Knightley: Triumph? You made a lucky guess! 成功?你只是猜个正着。