- a loyal Republican Party man 一位忠诚的共和党人
- Comey had been a loyal political foot soldier of the Republican Party for many years. 多年来,戈美一直是共和党中一位忠心耿耿的政治马前卒,然而在参议院司法委员会所作的证词中,他描述了自己在审阅了布什政府各种各样的国内监控和监视计划后如何变得越来越忧心忡忡。
- A loyal man stands by his friends in weal or woe. 一个忠诚的人无论祸福都会支持他的朋友。
- A loyal supporter of the Labor Party. 工党的忠实拥护者。
- He is a great force in the Republican Party. 他是共和党内的巨头。
- He is a member of the Republican Party. 他是共和党的一员。
- In Maine, the Republican Party is holding a caucus. 在美国缅因州,共和党团会议的投票活动正在如火如荼地开展。
- He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party. 他是共和党的坚定支持者。
- A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate. 亲信忠心而受信任的随从或部属
- A loyal supporter, follower, or subject. 忠诚的信徒、追随者或臣民
- He is a loyal member of the Jesus Christ. 他是耶稣的信徒。
- He is a loyal member of the Christianity. 他是一个忠实的基督教徒。
- She Became a loyal friend and remained so. 她成了一个忠诚的朋友,而且一直如此
- He is the boss of the Republican party. 他是共和党的领袖。
- You have on the whole been a loyal general. 总的说来,你还是一个忠诚的将领。
- The Republican Party came into existence in1854. 共和党是1854年成立的。
- He proposes a loyal toast to the Queen. 他提议向女王敬酒。
- He belongs to the Republican Party. 他是共和党员。
- Nothing is better than a loyal friend. 什么也比不上一个忠实的朋友.
- The elephant is the sign of the Republican Party. 大象是共和党的标志。