- A liquid food for infants, containing most of the nutrients in human milk. 婴儿食品:用来哺育婴儿的液体食物,含有人奶中的大部分营养物。
- a liquid food for infants,containing most of the nutrients in human milk 婴儿食品,用来哺育婴儿的液体食物,含有人奶中的大部分营养物
- a liquid food for infants. 一种婴幼儿食用的液体食品。
- They said the Iroquois used popcorn to make a liquid food, or soup. 他们说易活魁人用爆米花做流食或汤。
- This is a report on the present situation, some problems and development about weaning food for infants in our country. 介绍了我国婴幼儿断奶食品的发展现状和存在问题,并就今后的发展方向作了一定的探讨。
- This cupboard can store enough food for a month. 这个食橱能装下足够一个月之用的食物。
- These processes remove sufficient water from a liquid food to inhibit microbial growth. 这种工艺是将水从液体食品中充分除去以阻止微生物的生长。
- In order to prepare a kind of geminated food for infant weaning food or children food, the nutritional value changes of grain seeds were studied during germination. 利用我国主要高产粮食作物,研究种子萌发后营养成分的变化情况,制备一种作为婴幼儿断奶食品的萌动食品。
- Use a rectal thermometer for infants. 要给婴儿使用直肠温度计。
- If a liquid food is cooled with sufficient agitation, ice crystals nucleate and grow, and a slurry of relatively pure ice crystals in a concentrate can be obtained. 如果冷却液体食品并充分搅动,那么冰晶会形成冰核并增长,最终会在浓缩液中得到较纯的冰晶。
- Borax must be reduced to powder for infants. 硼砂必须研成细粉才能供婴儿使用。
- The Travel Service will make you up a packet of food for the journey. 旅行社会替你准备好旅行时随带的一包食品。
- Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固体,奶是液体。
- Soft or semiliquid food, as for infants. 半流质食物婴儿吃的软的或半流质的食物
- A container or reservoir for a liquid,such as ink. 储液体的容器储存液体的容皿或贮液器,如墨水
- That ought to be enough food for all of us. 那些该够我们大家吃的了。
- A trademark used for a bland, soft cereal for infants. 宝宝乐一种商标,用于婴儿食用的一种温和的、稀软的谷类食品
- A mass of bubbles in or on a liquid; foam. 泡沫液体中的大量气泡; 泡沫
- There is sufficient food for everybody. 有足够的饭菜供大家吃。
- A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation. 蒸馏液; 馏出物在蒸馏中,从蒸汽浓缩的液体