- a just and honourable ruler 公正而正直的统治者
- In the days and in the years that are to come we shall work for a just and honourable peace, a durable peace, as today we work and fight for total victory in war. 在未来岁月里,我们将为一个公正光荣的和平、一个持久的和平而努力,就像我们此刻为赢得战争的全面胜利而工作奋斗一样。
- Whatever they have done has been just and honourable. 凡所实施,光明正大。
- The goal is to build a just and peaceful world. 目标是建立一个公正和平的世界。
- He is a just and unbending law-officer. 他是一名铁面无私的法官。
- He is a just and unbending judge. 他是一名铁面无私的法官。
- He was a just and sound rather than a learned judge. 他作为法官与其说学识渊博,不如说是在办案中比较公正和全面。
- We seek a just and peaceful world beyond the war on terror. 我们的目标是: 在防恐战争之外追寻一个正义和和平的世界。
- Prince Darling and the shepherdess are then married, and Prince Darling resumes the throne to become a just and beloved ruler. 耶律倍浮海投奔后唐,是他失去权力后所能采取的最后措施[24]。
- It was an ancient and honourable tradition of his office that each new Mayor should receive his insignia from his predecessor at a ceremony held in the town square. 这是他办公室的老传统:每一个任新市长都要在市广场举行的仪式上,从他的前任手中接过市长标志。
- open and aboveboard; just and honourable 正大光明
- We have truly moved heaven and earth to find a just and peaceful solution. 我们真的竭尽全力想找一个公正和平的解决办法。
- You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬。
- The blue flag is respected because it is the symbol of people helping people build a just and sustainable world. 联合国的蓝色旗帜赢得了人们的尊重,因为这面旗帜是人人援助他人以建设公正和可持续的世界的象征。
- He has received a just punishment. 他已受到应得的惩罚。
- There is no magic wand to secure a just peace. 要获得正义的和平并非易事。
- Do your duty! Your life and honour depend on it! 负起你们的责任!这关系到你们的生命和荣誉!
- We made a just assessment of the situation. 我们对形势作了精确的评估。
- Respect and honour. Respect and honour. 尊重与荣耀!尊重与荣耀!
- If Israel's purpose was to enrage and embitter a generation of us who seek a just and lasting peace, then its assault was a wild success. 如果以色列是想激怒并让我们追求公正和持久和平的这一代受苦,那么它的袭击是不会得逞的。