- The successful march of the Expedition was a heroic epic for which the sons and daughters of China shed blood on the land. 北伐战争的胜利进军,是中华儿女用爱国主义的热血挥洒在神州大地的英雄史诗。
- In the previous leadership of the Communist Party of China revolutionary war, the people Fuping arduous struggle, have paid a high price, write a heroic epic epic after another. 在中国共产党领导的历次革命战争中,阜平人民进行艰苦卓绝的斗争,付出了很大的代价,谱写了一曲曲可歌可泣的英雄史诗。
- Saving the child's life was a heroic act. 抢救那孩子的生命是英勇的行为。
- I told a heroic exploit to the children. 我给孩子们讲述了一个英雄故事。
- A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion. 中世纪君主,王公的战士骑士团的模范人物;英雄的战士
- This was foolishness on a heroic scale. 这简直是天大的蠢事。
- This will let you build the Heroic Epic, which in turn will bring more GLs. 这将让你能够建造小奇迹英雄史诗(HeroicEpic),英雄史诗能够提高领袖的产生几率。
- A stunning story of a heroic horse! 一匹马的真实故事!
- We'll never call that a heroic deed. 我决不会把那种事称为英雄行为。
- A paragon of chivalry;a heroic champion. 中世纪君主,王公的战士骑士团的模范人物;英雄的战士
- And also like a heroic torchlight. 又像英勇的火炬;
- a heroic epic 英雄的诗篇
- Another was the saying "theory of creating the world",which mainly focused on Mongolian fairy tale in early day,the heroic epic,Totemism and Shamanism. 这种观点主要集中在早期蒙古的神话故事、英雄史诗、图腾崇拜和萨满教当中。
- They never did anything of a heroic or dare-devil character. 他们从来不干具有英雄气概的大胆冒险的事。
- Is a biography of the heroic epic that depicts a family of eight generations Manas against alien aggression, Kirghiz people, and defend the homeland security is a theme of life. 是一部传记性的英雄史诗,描绘了玛纳斯家族八代人反抗异族侵略、保卫家乡和柯尔克孜族人民的安宁生活这样一个主题。
- The rescue of a shipwrecked crew is a heroic action. 抢救遇难船员是一种勇敢的行为。
- The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men. 白杨保卫战是英雄们的壮举。
- The victim put up a heroic struggle against his assailant. 那位受害者与攻击者展开了英勇的搏斗。
- The eagle tripod is only 36 cm high but has a heroic image. 陶鹰鼎通高只有36厘米,但看上去显得威武而雄壮。
- There flashed through his mind the image of a heroic fighter. 他的头脑中闪过英雄战士的形象。