- a hand to hand fight 格斗; 肉搏战
- I make a point of giving a hand to others. 我一定对别人伸出援助的手。
- I always make a point of giving a hand to others. 我始终认为帮助别人是重要的。
- He has always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked. 他总是愿意帮助任何有求于他的人。
- Don't bother buttering up to me. I'm too old a hand to be won over by flattery. 不必劳驾来拍我马屁。我可是个老资格,才不吃那一套哩。
- They were trained to fight hand to hand. 他们接受了打肉搏战的训练。
- After a long period of shelling, our army surged forward and closed with the enemy in hand to hand fighting. 进行了好一阵炮击后,我军象潮水般地冲上前去跟敌人展开一场白刃战。
- While good at peppering enemies from afar, they should be kept out of hand to hand fighting. 尽管用于远程骚扰颇为出色,但他们必须避免近身缠斗,否则不免死伤惨重。
- He did not lift a hand to help me. 他不出力帮助我。
- He reached a hand to the book on the top shelf. 他将手伸向顶层书架上那本书。
- Will you give me a hand to get this trunk down? 请你帮我把这口箱子搬下去好吗?
- He raised a hand to still the clamor. 他举手示意大家安静。
- Bucket of water is passed from hand to hand to put the fire out. 人们一桶又一桶传递著水以便把火扑灭。
- He raised a hand to still the clamour. 他举手示意大家安静。
- Can you give me a hand to cover this? 你能帮我把这个盖上吗?
- Do not you dare to raise a hand to me ! 你敢对我动动手看!
- Do you dare to raise a hand to me! 你敢对我动动手看!
- Buckets of water were passed from hand to hand to put the fire out. 人们一桶又一桶传递著水以便把火扑灭。
- Don't you dare to raise a hand to me! 你敢对我动动手看!
- Lend me a hand to shift this box,will you? 来帮一下忙,把这箱子搬一搬,好吗?