- a grotesque black doll. 奇形怪状的丑陋的玩具娃娃。
- A grotesque peak thrusts itself towards the sky. 怪峰突兀。
- A grotesque imitation or misrepresentation. 一种荒诞的模仿或歪曲。
- His face has a grotesque appearance. 他的面部表情十分怪。
- Why ever did she do such a grotesque thing? 她干嘛要做出这么荒唐的事来呢?
- A grotesque ornamental figure or projection. 滴水嘴似的装饰一种奇形怪状的,起装饰作用的画像或图案
- That is a grotesque painting with two-headed animals with wings. 那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。
- Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback. 除了个子十分矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。
- That is a grotesque painting with two head animal with wing. 那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。
- Along with a rather short stature,he had a grotesque hunchback. 除了个子十分矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。
- That is a grotesque painting with two- head animal with wings. 那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。
- She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self. 她成为了以前那个举止优雅的自己的怪诞模仿品。
- A grotesque, elfin creature of folklore, thought to work mischief or evil. 妖怪民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮
- Smith was the first doll maker in the South to manufacture black dolls -- 10 percent of her dolls were black. 史密斯是南方第一个制造黑人娃娃的制造者-她的娃娃有10%25是黑人。
- A grotesque,elfin creature of folklore,thought to work mischief or evil. 妖怪民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮
- Her account of the incident was a grotesque distortion of the truth. 她对这件事的陈述是荒诞地歪曲了事实。
- Hamlet's assumed antic disposition; fantastic Halloween costumes; a grotesque reflection in the mirror. 哈姆莱特采取的奇怪安排;奇形怪状的万圣节服装;镜子里奇怪的映象。
- A grotesque or comical representation of a face,worn especially to frighten or amuse,as at Halloween. (万圣节带的)面具古怪的或惹人发笑的面部面具,尤用于唬人或娱乐,如在鬼节时常佩戴的
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- There are people in this world who cut such a grotesque figure that even death renders them ridiculous. 世上有些人就是十分古怪,甚至死亡也会使他们变得可笑。