- a grist of bees 很多蜜蜂
- A colony of bees living in such a structure. 蜂群在这样的结构中住着的一群蜂
- It was like a small swarm of bees. 人群就像是一群蜜蜂。
- He keeps a large number of bees. 他养了好多蜜蜂。
- A cluster of bees is flying among the flowers. 一群蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。
- There is a swarm of bees in the tree. 这树上有一窝蜜蜂。
- There lived a colony of bees on the tree. 树上生活着一群蜜蜂。
- I saw a swarm of bees attacking the poor monkey. 我看到一群蜜蜂正在攻击可怜的猴子。
- You can see plenty of bees flying in the garden. 你可以在花园里看见很多蜜蜂在飞。
- The garden was humming with the sound of bees. 花园里到处都是蜜蜂嗡嗡叫的声音。
- Hordes of bees gather in the rose bush. 一群群的蜜蜂在玫瑰丛中聚集。
- Relating to bees or to the keeping and care of bees. 蜜蜂的,养蜂的有关蜜蜂或养蜂的
- In Spring, my garden is always full of bees because of my roses. 春天时,我花园里的玫瑰总是引来满园的蜜蜂。
- To open a letter of credit with a bank , we have to pay a deposit. It will bring us a grist deal of difficulty . 要在银行开立信用证,我们必须付一笔押金才行,这会给我们带有多困难。
- He who would gather honey must brave the sting of bees. 想采到蜜必须不怕蜂蜇。
- This item, commonplace enough in the usual grist of summer accidents, interested Clyde only slightly. 这段新闻在夏天经常发生的事故当中,是一件很普通的新闻,克莱德并不怎么注意。
- One intriguing possibility draws on the social nature of bees. 一个令人着迷的可能答案来自蜜蜂的社会属性。
- They are doing some fascinating research into the language of bees. 他们正在对蜜蜂的语言进行一些有趣的研究。
- Suddenly, a taking to the nectar of bees make me shines. 忽然,一只正采着花蜜的蜜蜂使我眼前一亮。
- The grist of black waxy corn that have been cooked thoroughly was dried with four different drying methods(far infrared drying,microwave drying,hot-air drying and puffing drying). 采用远红外干燥、微波干燥、电热鼓风干燥对煮熟的黑糯玉米进行干燥制粉,另采用膨化干燥黑糯玉米制粉。