- As to the daughters, they stood mute a great while. 至于她的女儿,她们楞了半天说不出话来。
- I kept close a great while upon the occasion of this woman's disaster. 这个女人的不幸事件发生之后,我在家里躲了很久。
- Indeed, after serious thinking of these things, I should be very melancholy, and sometimes it would last a great while. 的确,我每次把这些事情认真地想一下,就感到闷闷不乐,有时好半天都排解不开。
- This was a narrow escape to me, and I was so frightened that I ventured no more at gold watch a great while. 这对于我真是死里逃生,我怕极了,以后许久都不敢再去扒金表。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- At last she sent me the joyful news that he was hanged, which was the best news to me that I had heard a great while. 最后她告诉我那可喜的消息,说他已经被绞死了,这是我很久以来所听到的最好的消息。
- For hearing the ship I went away in was cast away in Yarmouth road, it was a great while before he had any assurance that I was not drown'd. 因为,家里人听说我搭乘的那条船在雅茅斯锚地遇难沉没,之后又过了好久才得知我并没有葬身鱼腹。
- These two supply'd me with flesh a great while, for I eat sparingly;and sav'd my provisions (my bread especially) as much as possibly I could. 这两只一大一小的山羊肉,供我吃了好长一段时间,因为我吃得很剩我要尽量节省粮食,尤其是面包。
- "We have eaten all we could eat and for a great while we will concentrate in digesting it," Quiroz said, downplaying another major acquisition in the near term. “我们已经吞下了所有我们能吞下的,接下来的一段时间我们将努力消化这些东西。”奎罗斯轻描淡写地提到了近期的另一笔主要收购。
- It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母亲去世对她是个沉重的打击。
- The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴风雨造成了大量物质损失。
- A great poet is a master melody. 大诗人也是音律大师。
- A great variety of flowers were shown in the park. 公园里展出了很多品种的花。
- That was a great while ago. 那是很久以前的事了。
- You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸。
- Some people admired him greatly while others considered him a poseur. 有的人对他佩服得五体投地,而有的人则认为他装腔作势。
- I am not a great admirer of her work. 我对她的工作不太欣赏。
- He kicked about a great deal before settling down. 他东奔西走了好久才定居下来。
- He made a great fortune by fair means or foul. 他不择手段地发了一笔大财。
- However, I made shift to make two or three new waistcoats, which I hoped wou'd serve me a great while; as for breeches or drawers, I made but a very sorry shift indeed, till afterward. 尽管如此,我还是勉强做成了两三件新背心,希望能穿一段时间。至于短裤,我直到后来才马马虎虎做出几条很不像样的东西。