- A connoisseur of good food and drink; a gourmet. 美食家好酒好菜的评论家; 吃喝品评家
- The restaurant offers a gourmet menu . 这家餐馆备有美食菜单。
- The restaurant offers a gourmet menu. 这家餐馆备有美食菜单。
- A connoisseur of good food and drink;a gourmet. 美食家好酒好菜的评论家;吃喝品评家
- Make hot dogs taste like a gourmet meal. 你厨艺之高,把热狗做得像珍馐美味一般。
- I am not called a gourmet for nothing. 我这个美食家可不是白当的。
- Raffaele is also a gourmet and loves good food. 拉斐尔也是一个美食家,喜欢各种好吃的食物。
- Today, I went to a gourmet restaurant for lunch! 今天,我到一家高级餐厅吃午餐。
- a gourmet world 美食天地
- As a gourmet, but people on the table on the market. 近年来还发现黄花根具有抗结核的作用。
- Mr. Bowen,you're lucky to have such a gourmet cook as your wife. 伯恩先生,你真有福气,有这么一位烹调大师做你的妻子。
- A gourmet's choice, only for the physically prepared. 身体和胃都做好热身之后,来面对这道刚出炉的美味吧。
- A gourmet like him always eats in expensive restaurants. 像他这样的美食家总是到豪华的餐馆用餐。
- Enters Lady Green (Yuen Qiu from KUNG FU HUSTLE) who vows to unite Ceci and SK in marriage by turning her into the best chef in the world and defeating Jade in a gourmet showdown. K.;。在点心大赛中,北方御厨后人米玉莹(刘洋饰演)大显身手脱颖而出,杜太欲与米家食品集团结盟,拉拢S
- This is like handing him a bag of groceries and calling it a gourmet dinner. 这有点像给了一个人一袋子蔬菜并告诉他这是一顿美味的晚餐。
- Its fit for a gourmet, said Ruth. Anyway, let me tell you more about my book. 它适合一个美食家,露丝说。无论如何,让我再给你讲讲我的书。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- We prefer to see conversing as a gourmet meal--focusing on every mouthful to bring out the flavour. 而我们则更愿将聊天当作一顿美味佳肴--认真地品味每一口,细细体会其中滋味。
- I feel as if I have been in a different world. 我感觉好像置于一人世外桃源。