- If you happen to be an engineer and also enjoy singing in a glee club, connect these two activities. 假如你是一名工程师,且喜欢参加合唱团的演唱,那么不妨把这两种活动联系起来。
- Afterward, we plan to hear the University Glee Club at Auditorium. 晚餐后,我们打算在礼堂观看大学合唱队的演出。
- Afterward,we plan to hear the University Glee Club at Auditorium. 晚餐后,我们打算在礼堂观看大学合唱队的演出。
- a glee club 合唱团
- The ceremonies will begin at a quarter past nine with a song by our glee club. 各项仪式即将在九点十五分,本公司的合唱团合唱时揭开序幕。
- In 2002, the glee club got the first prize in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Songs Contest. 2002年,该团呼麦组合获自治区歌曲演唱大赛一等奖。
- In 2000, the glee club participated in the "2000 O1ympic Choral Contest"held in Austria and won three golden medals. 2000年7月,该团赴奥地利参加“2000年奥林匹克国际合唱大赛”,并获三项金奖,同时赴荷兰参加“2000年布鲁萨姆国际民间艺术节”活动,演出大获成功。
- In 2003, the glee club got two 3rd prizes in Mongolia International Humai Contest. 2003年9月,呼麦组合在蒙古国举行的国际呼麦大赛中分获两项三等奖。
- In 2004, the glee club got the first prize in Wester Folk Song TV Contest held by CCTV. 2004年1月,呼麦组合获CCTV“西部民歌电视大奖赛”一等奖。
- In 1992 and 1993, the glee club participated in the China International Chorus Festival held in Beijing and received high acclaim. 1992年、1993年合唱团应邀参加了第一届、第二届“中国国际合唱节”。演出获得巨大成功,并受到文化部的表彰。
- In 1997, the glee club toured to Spain to participat in the 29th Tolosa Choral Contest as the only representative from Asia, and won the third prize in folklore contest category. 1997年,蒙古族青年合唱团赴西班牙参加“第29届托罗萨国际合唱比赛”,荣获本届比赛第三名。这是历届亚洲唯一的获奖团体。
- Founded in March 1987, the Inner Mongolia Youth Glee Club is an excellent glee club and well-known in both home and abroad for its performances of cappella with Mongolian style. 内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团创建于1987年,是中国擅长演唱无伴奏合唱的团体之一。
- When being earnestly invited by the two Miss Bertrams to join in a glee, she tripped off to the piano. 两位贝特伦小姐热情地邀她前去参加三重唱,她轻快地向钢琴走去。
- The glee club has performed in Sydney Opera House, Vienna Concert Hall, Spain Cathedral,Shanghai Opera House, Beijing Concert Hall and Hong Kong Culture Hall, KennedyArtCenter and were highly acclaimed . 在悉尼歌剧院、维也纳音乐厅、西班牙大教堂、德国市政音乐厅、上海大剧院、北京音乐厅、香港文化中心音乐厅、台北音乐厅、肯尼迪艺术中心等地都留下了他们美妙的歌声,令世人嘱目。
- In order to prepare the recording of our own family song in July and the other programs that are coming soon, this very day LOVEHOON sincerely recruit for the glee club members facing to the seven seas. 为了7月份即将开始的会歌录制工作,以及接下来开展的其他活动,LOVEHOON即日起面向全球徵集合唱团团员。
- A noise abatement notice is served on the club. 向俱乐部发停止大声喧哗的通知。
- House is usually light-years ahead of the others, frequently pointing out the flaws in their opinions with a glee to be expected of a cynical, pompous jerk. 他很少和其他人交往,但总是开心地并一针见血地指出他人的错误观点,完全就是个愤世嫉俗、傲慢自大的家伙。
- I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
- Our club is a member of the Football League. 我们的俱乐部是足球联合会的一员。
- The country club has a golf course. 该地区俱乐部拥有高尔夫球场。