- A salt is a general term for an ionic compound. 盐是离子化合物的统称。
- G rass is a general term for graminaceous plants. 禾草是禾本科植物的统称。
- Leukoderma is a general term that means white skin. 白癜风是一种通用的术语,指的是白皮肤。Severe trauma; like a burn; can destroy pigment cells resulting in leukoderma.;严重创伤,烧伤等,会破坏色素细胞产生白癜风。Vitiligo is just one of the forms of leukoderma
- A generic term for all mathematical and logical operations carried out according to precise rules of procedure. 一种用于按照严格的过程规则实现的数学和逻辑运算的通用术语。
- Board: A general term for paper above 220 g/sq.m in UK. 纸板:一个广义名词。英国以定量计算,泛指超过220克每平方米的纸。
- This is a generic term that also includes user controls. 这是一个也包括用户控件的一般术语。
- Bao Kan is a general term for newspapers and periodicals. 报刊就是报纸和杂志的总称。
- Visual A general term used by designers to mean layout or rough of artwork. 设计师用术语,泛指正稿的版面设计图或粗略设计图。
- Copy A general term to mean originals and manuscripts for repropduction. 复制用的图片原稿和文字原稿的通称。
- PERIPHERAL: A general term used to describe an input or output device. 外围设备:描述输入或者输出设备的通用术语。
- Music notation is a general term to describe the writing down of music. 音乐记谱法是指音符通用书写方法。
- Occultism is a general term referring to many branches of thought and practice. 神秘学神秘学是对有关思维和修炼的许多分支的总称。
- Prurigo is a general term used to describe itchy eruptions of the skin. 什么是'化性痒疹-发痒的皮疹,由于暴露于太阳'?
- Eskimo is a general term for the population from Alaska to Greenland and Asia. 爱斯基摩人是居住在阿拉斯加、格陵兰和亚洲的人口统称。
- I am talking in a general terms and not referring to specifics. 我这只是泛论,并非特指。
- A generic term used to describe the video hardware in a computer. 一个一般的时期过去常常描述录像硬体在一台计算机里。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- Jeff: The "18 kinds of wushu instruments" is only a general term for many instruments. 杰夫:十八般武艺,只是泛指器械众多,其实武术器械远不止十八种。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- The rebels returned home under a general amnesty. 造反的人经大赦释放回家。