- I filled in a gap in the conversation by telling a joke. 我讲了一个笑话,填补谈话中出现的冷场。
- He bridge a gap in the conversation by tell a joke. 他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断。
- He filled a gap in the conversation by telling a joke. 他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断。
- He stopped a gap in the conversation by telling a joke. 他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断。
- He bridged a gap in the conversation by telling a joke. 他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断。
- The new series of golf holidays fill a gap in the market. 新的高尔夫度假系列填补了市场的一个空白。
- The road goes through a gap in the hills. 这条路穿过两条山脉之间的峡谷。
- The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence. 大门锁上了,但是我们从篱笆的缺口中钻了出去。
- He squeezed through a gap in the hedge. 他从树篱的缺口处挤过去。
- The product has filled a gap in the market. 这个产品填补了市场的空白。
- He skinned through a gap in the fenec. 他免强穿过篱笆缺口。
- Hey,there's a gap in the crowd waiting to get on board. 咦,等着上车的人群中有一个空隙。
- The sheep got into the field through a gap in the hedge. 羊群从树篱的缺口跑向田野。
- There is a gap in your deduction of the theory. 你的理论推
- Sam was in the cold in the conversation. 在谈话中没人理会山姆。
- A gap in the A ring, also named for its discoverer, is called Encke's division. 在A环中还有一条缝,也以其发现者命名,称为恩克(Encke)环缝。
- She has a gap in her front teeth. 在她的前排牙中有一道缝隙。
- Why does not Tom join us in the conversation ? 汤姆为什么不和我们一起说话?
- A British Airways plane flies past past a gap in the clouds above London. 分说明:2007年1月24日,一架英国航空公司的客机穿过伦敦上空的云层。