- The burglars bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth. 夜盗们捆住了他的手脚,并用东西塞住他的嘴。
- The clown panicked the audience with a gag. 小丑插科打诨逗得观众大笑。
- To keep(the mouth)open by using a gag. 用张口器将嘴张开
- It was just a gag,we didn't mean to upset anyone. 这只是逗着玩,我们并未想使任何人不高兴。
- Can you keep a secret? Only if you put a gag on me. 你能不能保密?除非你堵住我的口。
- They are going to play a gag on their mom when she comes home. 他们打算在他们的妈妈回家时跟她开个玩笑。
- They tied him up and put a gag on him. 他们把他绑起来并用布堵住了他的嘴。
- To keep(the mouth) open by using a gag. 用张口器将嘴张开
- As a gag gift, I gave her a CD by the band UB40. 作为恶作剧礼物,我送给他一盘UB40乐队的CD。
- A friend of hers gave the bride-to-be some condoms as a gag gift. (她的一位朋友给准新娘一些避孕套,作为恶作剧的礼物。
- They bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth. 他们捆住他的手脚,还用一块东西塞住他的嘴。
- Don't trust her with your secret unless you put a gag on her. 除非你能塞住她的嘴,否则不能让她保守你的秘密。
- They is go to play a gag on their mom when she come home. 他们打算在他们的妈妈回家时跟她开个玩笑。
- To prevent from speaking or crying out by using a gag. 堵住嘴塞住嘴以防说活或喊叫
- The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth. 那帮歹徒把保安人员捆绑起来,然后把他的嘴堵住。
- Mr. Wang put a whoopee cushion in his friend/'s chair as a gag gift. (他在朋友的椅子上,放置会出怪声的垫子,作为恶作剧的礼物。)
- Wounds heal faster when they become not a wound but a practical joke, a gag. 伤口愈合得更快,当它不是伤口,而是恶作剧,插科打诨时。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- As a gag joke, she blindfolded her husband' s friend and drove him to her home for a party. (作为一个戏弄的玩笑,她把她老公的朋友蒙住眼睛,开车到她家参加宴会。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。