- A flame of anger lighted in his heart. 他怒火中烧。
- Flame holders keep a flame going constantly. 火焰稳定器维持火焰不断燃烧。
- The smolder will soon be a flame. 闷火很快变为烈焰。
- The sun was a flame on the horizon. 太阳象一团火出现在地平线上。
- To burn, ignite, or scorch(something)with a flame. 烧用火焰烧、点燃或烤(东西)
- Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame. 爱情必须既是一盏灯,也是一团火。
- I'm just a flame without the heat. 我只是没有温度的火焰。
- Set a flame a-dancing in the dead man's eyes. 在死者的眼中燃起跳跃的火焰。
- a flaming car 燃烧著的汽车
- A zone of hot gases around a flame. 环壳火焰周围高温区域。
- To burn, ignite, or scorch(something) with a flame. 烧用火焰烧、点燃或烤(东西)
- Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. 梦想点燃火炬照亮我们黑暗的道路。
- A brilliant burst of fire; a flame. 火光熊熊烈火;火焰
- To burn,ignite,or scorch(something)with a flame. 烧用火焰烧、点燃或烤(东西)
- A flame from the candle lit the entire room. 蜡烛的火苗照亮了整个房间。
- If not, why they seemed a flame red, like it? 不然,他们为什么红得好象一团火焰似的呢?
- Petrol ignites on contact with a flame. 汽油见火就着。
- But could a flame ever burn for a match and a stick? 但火柴与木棍相?
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- The landscape offers a flaming tribute to the end of summer. 大地向夏末奉献火红的礼品。