- Zhiming (understanding the decree of providence) is another name for a fifty year old. 知命为五十岁之代称。
- Yesterday he said he is fifty years old. 昨天他说他五十岁了。
- A countrywoman of year of close fifty years old, how can you be on this life not to put in a road 's charge? 一个年近半百的农妇,怎么会走上这条人生不归路呢?
- My mother is fifty years old. 我母亲已经五十岁了。
- Even the old president of fifty years old joined long-distance running. 连五十多岁的老校长也参加长跑了。
- Business opportunities for people living in the USA, China, and Taiwan. American company with a fifty year history. Vitamins, environment, nutrition, home care. 商业机会,为人民生活在美国,中国,台湾。美国公司与五十年的历史。维生素,环境,营养,居家照护。
- As for me, I am fifty years old, and I won't impose myself on you any longer. 至于我哩,我已经五十岁了,我也就不再打搅你们了。
- Even the old president of fifty years old joined long-distance rnning. 连五十多岁的老校长也参加长跑了。
- Now, the village still has many 30 atomy that passes fifty years old. 现在,村里还有30多位年过半百的矮人。
- My father is fifty years old. 我的父亲五十岁了。
- I'm fifty years old, my husband is five years older. 我今年50岁,我丈夫比我大五岁。
- Our electricity transmission facilities are designed to withhold blizzards of thirty years' frequency. However, the storm hit us this winter actually broke a fifty year record. 我们的输电设施的抗冰设计是按三十年一遇暴风雪的标准,但这次的灾害实际上是五十年一遇的。
- Bevin, the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, that it might well be a fifty years treaty so far as we are concerned. 如果拒绝、忽视、或糟蹋这个机会,我们将受到后世长期的责备。
- Cody was fifty years old then, a product of the Nevada silver fields, of the Yukon, of every rush for metal since seventy-five. 科迪当时五十岁,他是内华达州的银矿、育空地区、一八七五年以来每一次淘金热的产物。
- Due to age-long exhaustion, my mother got senile plaque when she was fifty years old. 妈妈由于长年的劳累,五十来岁的时候就已经生了老年斑。
- It was a sleepy little town, about fifty years behind the times. 那是一个死气沉沉的小镇,落后于时代约达五十年。
- She is sixteen year old but has a mental age of five. 她十六岁,而智力年龄是五岁。
- You have a fifty to fifty chance to win the game. 你有五成的机会蠃得比赛。
- He was 80 years old, give or take a year. 他八十岁上下。
- You have a fifty - fifty chance of winning. 你赢的机会是五十对五十。