- The Meiji Restoration in 1868 began Japan's transformation from a feudal society into a modern industrialized state. 日本由封建社会向现代工业化国家的转变是从1868年的明治维新开始的。
- We are no longer living in a feudal society;do we need to cling on to this tradition? 今天,我们已告别封建时代,难道还要死抱为尊者讳的传统不放吗?
- In a feudal society of Inquisitorial-litigation model, the victim's legal status is the lowest. 在封建社会的纠问式诉讼模式下,被害人的诉讼地位是最低的。
- From Chen Yin s poetical works, we can see a lovable, pitiable and "pedantic" image somewhat worthy of respect in a feudal society. 通过陈寅的诗作,我们看到封建社会一位可爱、可怜,还有几分可敬的“书呆子”的形象。
- Primitive and clannish society enters a feudal society, become the hold together factor that Japanese feudal society continues for a long time. 原始氏族社会进入封建社会,并成为日本封建社会长期延续的维系因素。
- This requires duties "between sovereign and subject, husband and wife,young and old". These duty-based relationships are geared to a feudal society, where respect for superiors, both political and familial, governs people's actions. 这要求有“君臣,夫妇,长幼”之礼。这些建立在责任之上的关系存在于封建社会之中,对于政治和家庭中的上级的尊敬决定着人们的行为。
- It is a fact that before 1950, Tibet’s was a feudalist society in which most people were kept in the status of serfs. 1950年以前,西藏是一个封建制度的社会,多数的人都是农奴的身份,这确实是事实。
- The reason was that Ancient China was a feudalistic society and natural economy with the agriculture predominated everything. 究其原因,这一切变化都与中国封建农业生产的社会性质密不可分。
- His grandfather used to be a feudal lord. 他的祖父原来是个封建主。
- To invest with a feudal estate or fee. 授予封建采邑(世袭地产)或封地
- They were subjects of a feudal ruler. 他们是封建统治者的臣民。
- Feudal society was rigidly stratified. 封建社会等级森严。
- A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor? 主题:在骑士和侍从之间?
- A feudal holding, system, or regime. 封建领地、制度或政体
- The estate or domain of a feudal lord. 采邑封建主的领地、领土
- The territory belonging to a feudal lord. 领地封建社会中老爷所拥有的领地
- Is a feudal emperor and Empress of the residence. 是封建帝王与后妃居住之所。
- This throne symbolized the supreme power of the feudal society. 这个宝座是封建皇权的象征。
- This novel reflects the decline of a feudal family. 这部小说反映了一个封建家庭的败落。
- They have evolved into new social classes from the womb of feudal society. 它们从封建社会脱胎而来,构成了新的社会阶级。