- A fast running motion of other quadrupeds. 其它四足动物的快速奔跑。
- A horse marked by stamina and trained to move at a fast running walk. 以毅力著称并训练快速行走。
- A fast running track. 快速跑道
- He's not a fast horse but he's certainly a stayer. 这匹马跑得不快,但很有耐力。
- Bill has a feeling he is on a fast track. 比尔感觉到他正快速迈向成功。
- If two soap, a fast ran out, with just one point, you may choose to spend that one? 如果两块肥皂,一个快用完了,一个刚刚用一点,你会选择用那一个?
- It was fatal to run after a fast ball. 救急球是很危险的。
- That new Fiat is a fast little number. 那辆新的菲亚特是速度很快的汽车。
- Bill had a feeling he was on a fast track. 比尔感觉到他正快速迈向成功。
- He kept a fast hold on the rope. 他紧紧抓牢绳子。
- The pitcher let go a fast ball and the batter swung and missed. 投球手投出一个快球,击球手晃了一下,没有接到。
- The sands of his life are fast running out. 他生命余下的日子不多了。
- The floating haze integrates with the running river water . 漂浮的薄雾以流动的河水整合。
- The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off. 那个明星迅速上了一辆汽车疾驶而去。
- I'll buy a faster film for my camera. 我要买一卷快速软片。
- The horse was frothing at the mouth after its fast run. 马飞奔过后嘴边满是白沫。
- He made a fast buck in the con scheme. 在那场骗局中他轻而易举赚了一笔不义之财。
- He read the report at a fast and furious rate. 他以极快的速度读完那份报告。
- The horse was foaming at the mouth after its fast run. 马飞奔过后嘴边满是白沫。
- She decided to invest in a fast - food franchise. 她决定投资经营快餐店。