- The story took place on a drowsy summer afternoon. 这个故事发生在一个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后。
- He slumbered away a hot afternoon. 他以睡眠打发一个炎热的下午。
- They drowsed away a hot afternoon. 他们昏昏沉沉地度过一个炎热的下午。
- a drowsy, hot afternoon 催人入眠的炎热下午
- He worked very hard on a hot afternoon. 习惯用的词组。
- All around was a drowsy hum of insects. 到处是一片小虫的催眠似的嗡嗡声。
- The children were baking in the hot afternoon sun. 孩子们被下午炎炎的烈日炙烤着。
- Not surprisingly on such a hot afternoon, the river was very busy. 在这样一个炎热的下午,河里非常热闹是不足为奇的。
- One hot afternoon arrived when no one else was at his bedside. 有一天下午天气很炎热,没有人在爷爷身边。
- It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. 它在雾蒙蒙的早晨悄然而至,又在煦暖暖的午后消失无踪。
- What a drowsy summer afternoon. 这是个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后。
- You have to shake a drowsy man many times to bring him to his senses. 你必须摇晃那名昏昏欲睡的男子使其苏醒。
- Santiago drank sparingly from his water battle during the hot afternoon. 在炽热的下午,桑提亚哥节省地喝起水壶里的水。
- Santiago drank sparingly from his water bottle during the hot afternoon. 在炽热的下午,桑提亚哥节省地喝起水壶里的水。
- Sarkozy started feeling unwell during a strenuous jog on a hot afternoon. 萨科奇在一个炎热的下午进行负重慢跑时突感不适。
- I took a sleeping pill and soon came over drowsy. 我吃了一片安眠药,很快就昏昏欲睡了。
- In a drowsy schoolroom, for instance, children may amuse themselves by tracing repetitious looped patterns on scratch paper or on flyleaves of books. 譬如在死气沉沉的教室里,孩子们也许会在草稿纸或课本的空页上不断地画圈以自娱自乐。
- I met him in a hot and breathless afternoon. 我是在一个又闷又热的下午遇到他的。
- But in these similarities, we found Yun Chuan Li, who looks like a big boy and is charmingly naive, always in a drowsy state of drugged with sleep. 然而,就在如此多的雷同中,我们发现了李传韵。他像个大孩子一样,憨态可掬,看起来像永远睡不醒一样。
- a drowsy afternoon in the sunshine 阳光照耀下使人困倦的下午