- I fell straight into a dreamless sleep. 我一下子就进入了无梦的酣睡。
- E. or do you usually have a dreamless sleep? 或者你通常很少做梦?
- Sleeping at last in a dreamless sleep locked fast. 终于在无梦的睡眠中睡得香。
- Now the starlit acient town was dim and silent, like a dreamless sleep. 星光灿烂的古镇,如今幽暗而寂静,像无梦的睡眠。
- Throw me a dream please, it's been a dreamless sleep for such a long time. 生命中,欢喜有时,忧惧有时,每一件小事都成为明日可爱的记忆,过去每天的际遇都为今天的我作导航。
- Use: Puts the imbiber in a dreamless sleep for 12 sec. During that time the imbiber heals 3600 health and 3600 mana. 使用:使饮用者进入无梦的睡眠,持续12秒。在这段时间内,饮用者可以回复3600点生命值和3600点法力值。
- The star-spangled town is now dim and quiet, just like a man who is having a dreamless sleep. 星光灿烂的古镇,如今幽暗而寂静,像无梦的睡眠。
- Her thick dark lashes lay like fans against her lids as they fluttered, awakened from a dreamless sleep, and she looked at the tray. 她眨着眼睛,乌黑浓密的睫毛像扇子一样在她睡意惺忪的脸颊上扇动,她看着我的托盘。
- He fell into the dreamless sleep which rounded off his past. 他睡着了,睡得非常沉,好象把过去的岁月全补足。
- He fell into the dreamless sleep which rounded off his past . 他睡着了,睡得非常沉,好象把过去的岁月全补足。
- and cause me, uncondemned now, to sleep a dreamless sleep, and keep Thy servant untroubled by thoughts, and drive away from me all satanic deeds; 愿我得以不受责罚地躺卧安眠,并远离鬼魅和幻梦。求你保全你仆役的思想念虑不受侵扰,并使一切撒旦的营谋远离我。
- a dreamless sleep 无梦的睡眠
- Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion is needed to complete the Potion Mastery Quest. “配方:特效昏睡药剂”需要完成药剂大师的任务(下文有任务描述)。
- But,deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency,typically 2 to 3 cycles a second. 但是无梦的深层睡眠将使你的脑电波频率降到最低,通常情况下为每秒2-3周。
- Finally, exhausted and exhilarated, he soon fell into a mercifully dreamless sleep. 最后,他觉得困乏了,可还是喜孜孜的,终于很快就昏昏沉沉地睡着了。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- You take a journey into the Unmanifested every night when you enter the phase of deep dreamless sleep. 每天晚上,在你进入那个深层次的、无梦的睡眠时,你就在踏上一个进入到“未呈现的”中的旅途。
- The starry town, appeared dark and silent for the moment, just like dreamless sleep. 星光灿烂的古镇,如今幽暗而寂静,像无梦的睡眠。
- Apart from dreamless sleep, which I mentioned already, there is one other involuntary portal. 除了我前面提到的无梦的睡眠之外,还有一种不由自主出现的入口。
- With a stalk of mosquito-repellent incense burning, a night of dreamless sleep makes me happy too. 点蚊香,安心的入睡,也会让我感到开心。