- a draft on an American bank 向一家美国银行提款的汇票.
- The next step occurs when the exporter draws a draft on an opening bank. 下一步就是出口商向开证行业立汇票。
- The bill was drawn on an American bank. 所开票据是经由一家美国银行支付的.
- Payment is usually made by a draft at sight on an irrebocable L/C. 我们的付款方式,通常是一不可撤消的信用证见票即付行之。
- His addiction for alcohol is a draft on his meager income. 嗜酒对他微薄的薪水来说是笔不小的消费。
- We have drawn a draft on you for$400 against your trial order. 对于你方试订货,我们已经向你方开出金额为400美元的汇票。
- He drew a draft on a pad then began his formal work. 他在便笺簿上画了草图,然后就开始正式工作了。
- AE: Gotcha. How does a Welsh actor wind up on an American television show? 知道了。一个威尔士演员是怎样成功出演一部美国电视剧的?
- In 2007 Eugene Perma, a hair-care group, filed for sauvegarde and thus avoided a demand for repayment from Bear Stearns, an American bank. 2007年,EugenePerma这家头发护理集团公司,申请进入企业保护程序,以此躲避美国贝尔斯登银行的偿付要求。
- He went to the bank to cash a draft. 他去银行兑现一张汇票。
- On one memorable occasion- a summit in Moscow -the phones were actually on an American exchange. 记得有一次,在莫斯科的高级会晤中,电话就真正处于美国电信局的调控之下。
- Turn the electric fan on and make a draft. 打开电扇通一下风。
- Though strange, the sound was actually made by pressing V-A-I-O on an American touch tone phone keypad. 虽然陌生,但这声音却是取自美国电话机上按V-A-I-O四个键时所发出的声音。我觉得是不是这样好些
- The architecture and color pallet was inspired by closely examining the artwork on an American dollar bill. 缪尼林斯特星的建筑风格和色调都细致地参照了美元纸币上的图案。
- The Pulitzer Prizes is regarded as the highest accolade that can be bestowed on an American journalist. 普立兹新闻奖一向被美国新闻工作者视为职业生涯的最高荣誉,这项年度奖项不仅在美国享有盛誉,在全球也备受推崇。
- Q5 (1000000 rupees) On an American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is a portrait of which American statesman? 在一百美元面值的钞票上,是哪一位美国总统的肖像?
- Yes,I've prepared a draft on the details. Let's discuss it after a cup of coffee. 是的,我已经准备了一份有关这些细节的草稿,我们喝完咖啡之后再讨论吧。
- But if I tried to draw a draft on it, the Yankees would be on me like a duck on a June bug and then neither of us would get it. 可是如果我想开张支票,北方佬就会盯住我,像只鸭子盯住一只无花果虫那样,那时我们谁也休想拿到它了。
- She is now a stenotypist in the employ of an American firm. 她现在被一家美国公司雇为速记打字员。
- He got to bank to encash a draft. 他去银行兑现一张汇票。